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  • Right now, business agility is more important—and more multifaceted—than ever. It looks different for every company, but we all should be focused on these three aspects of it.

  • Some 39% of people say they will stop engaging with a website if the images do not load or take too long to load. So, how can you optimize your images for speedy loading?

  • Members of Gen Z are more than twice as likely as Baby Boomers to say they typically learn about brands or companies from social media, according to recent research from Sprout Social and The Harris Poll.

  • The pandemic has significantly changed the way B2B buyers and sellers do business. To adapt to the new B2B sales and marketing world, adopt these five strategies.

  • How do you determine when a customer is loyal to your brand? This article breaks down customers into five levels of loyalty, and outlines how to market to each level.

  • When marketers want to measure customer experience and loyalty, they often use Net Promoter Score (NPS), which focuses on whether customers would recommend your product or service. That's nice to know, of course, but reliance on that one simple metric is likely limiting your opportunities for growth and excellence. It's time to go beyond NPS and use a KPI that actually forecasts loyalty and growth.

  • Half of marketers say the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their email strategy, according to recent research from Mailjet.

  • If you want to prove Marketing's worth to your executives, you have to think in their terms—that is, sales, profit, and growth. Find out how in this article.

  • Google's responsive search ads (RSAs) enable advertisers to create multiple copy options and then let machine-learning and AI determine the best-performing combinations. How can marketers make the most of this powerful format?

  • Wouldn't it be nice to have a bird's eye view into the accounts most likely to engage with your brand's online presence? In turn, this would enable your marketing team to target these accounts more effectively. It can be done, and it starts with Intent data. Sponsored by Bombora.

  • Are you struggling to access, analyze, and make sense of data that is siloed, fragmented, or otherwise lacking in full-picture insights? It's time to make the best possible use of all your data—by ensuring it can be a single source of truth that gives you a 360-degree view and helps you achieve better ROI. Sounds good, right? Sponsored by Snowflake.

  • Customer trust is at an all-time low. But marketing with truth and honesty isn't only about integrity—it actually increases your company's profitability. Here's how.

  • Afiya Addison, global program manager at the B2B Institute at LinkedIn, discusses why some brands adapt and excel while others struggle just to hold on.

  • Do you have a toxic boss? And if you do, what sort of leader are you dealing with? This flowchart infographic helps you answer those questions and provides advice.

  • Average engagement on Instagram posts from businesses spiked in the spring and summer of 2020 and then returned roughly to its prior levels, according to recent research from Social Insider and Sked Social.

  • Marketing automation technology is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity for companies to operate efficiently. From improved customer experience to increased visibility, here are some of the many advantages to using AI and automation.

  • You know about account-based marketing. Now it's time for account-based podcasting: delivering personalized audio content directly to target customers. Learn more here.

  • Influencer campaign performance can be difficult to measure. What metrics should you be using, and how do you apply those insights to modify your campaigns? This article will give you some ideas.

  • The million-dollar question: Is a customer experience investment worth it? Find out why this is a flawed question in this e-book.

  • Demand Playbook


    Get the know-how, strategies and foundations you need to excel with your lead generation, collection and engagement. More than ideas, this playbook will walk you through exercises that will help you build the perfect demand generation strategy and execution for your business.