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 This Week's Marketing How-To
Take 10: Translate YouTube Metrics Into Insights
In just 10 minutes, learn how to access a treasure trove of useful YouTube data so you can slice and dice it to better understand which videos are working, and which could benefit from a little reconstructive surgery. Read more >
 Editors' PRO Pick
A Step-by-Step Guide to Social Media
Need help defining objectives for your social marketing campaigns? Check out our how-to guide, A Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful Social Media Program. Creating your strategy, policy, and team will be a breeze! Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

Seven Reasons Why Leading With Price Will Kill Your Advertising, Your Branded Offers—and Your Company
By Dan Hill. Leading with price in your messaging suggests your brand has nothing else to say or show for itself. And that's not good for a host of reasons. Get the full story >

Why and How You Should Be Using Triggered Email, Part 1
By Karen Talavera. The real power of personalization and relevance lies in trigger-based email—a message sent to a specific person for a specific reason, triggered by an event or action. Get the full story >

12 Small-Business Marketing Phone Tips for the 12 Days Till Christmas
By Kevin Baker. How do you reconcile the high-pressure needs of your small business with your family's desire to roast chestnuts on an open fire? Get the full story >

How to Track Clicks in Your Email-Newsletter Campaigns
By Andy Shore. You need to be able to translate link reports into successful email-marketing campaigns. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs PRO Seminars

The Seven Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design
November 11

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

Mobile Is Not a 'One-Off'

On Friday, Christina ("CK") Kerley shared a fascinating data point during her stint as the visiting expert at our scheduled weekly group chat on Twitter, called #ProfsChat.


(And BTW, if you haven't checked out #ProfsChat yet, you so should! Each week we discuss a different topic with a different expert. Log in to and follow the hashtag #ProfsChat. You can lurk—or chime in by adding #ProfsChat to your tweets.)

CK said most people on the planet—some 3.4 billion people—own mobile devices. Another impressive number: There are 300,000+ mobile apps for Apple alone—up from 200,000 last year.

Brands have launched apps to extend their reach, as CK said last week in her seminar on B2B and mobile. (You can access it on demand.)

But the question both for B2B and for B2C brands seems to be not whether to have a mobile presence but how to create a mobile app or site that your customers will actually find useful.

Thinking about your mobile approach opens up a bigger, foundational question for brands, as Pete Blackshaw wrote last month in AdAge. Rather than create another social or digital "one-off," brands should ask themselves some important questions, he said: "[W]hat's the fundamental value and benefit our brand brings to the table, even beyond the physical realm? What's the brand's reason for being? What core service logically and naturally extends from the core brand proposition? What is our desired brand experience?"

At MarketingProfs, we think a mobile strategy is key to our own continued growth and relevance—to serve you, our customers. So we'd love to know what you think: Do you have a few minutes to give your input on our mobile content strategy? Take the three-minute survey.

And what about you? Where are you with your own mobile efforts? I'd love to hear.

Upcoming Events

SocialTech 2010 On Demand
available online until January 2011

Digital Marketing World
First Wednesday of each month

Digital Marketing Forum 2011
February 2-4, 2011

Leveraging Email, Mobile, and Social Media to Engage and Retain Customers
11/18/2010 with Joel Book

Becoming the Über-Connected Company with Social Media
12/2/2010 with Sandy Carter

MarketingProfs University: Content Rules! How to Create the Right Kind of Content
12/3/2010 with Ann Handley

MarketingProfs Makeover: Optimizing Content for SEO
12/9/2010 with Heather Lloyd-Martin

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