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 This Week's Marketing How-To
Take 10: Create an Effective Corporate YouTube Video
In just 10 minutes, Michael Miller explains how to create more interesting and engaging YouTube videos. Discover what video formats are the best, and the three things you'll need if you want your videos to go viral. Read more >
 Editors' PRO Pick
Your Guide to Successful Social Media Marketing
Need help defining objectives for your social marketing campaigns? Check out our how-to guide, A Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful Social Media Program. Creating your strategy, policy, and team will be a breeze! Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

Why 'Social Proof' Matters in Your Social-Marketing Success
By Dan Martell. No matter what you sell or promote, Internet marketing is all about persuasion. And social proof is one of the most persuasive tools around. Get the full story >

Job-Market Secrets: How to Build Your Network in 12 Days
By Debra Feldman. Marketing yourself effectively is crucial in today's job market. Learn how to land your next job and flesh out your career network in just 12 days. Get the full story >

The Rise of Cloud Marketing: Empowering Marketing Innovation and Creating Massive Efficiencies
By Jacques Hart. Cloud computing is transforming marketing as we know it. Learn how you can gain a competitive advantage using its three platforms. Get the full story >

Evolving the Customer Experience With Mobile Technology
By Nathan Pettyjohn. As mobile technologies boom, it's high time for marketers to learn how enhancing the mobile customer experience can boost profits. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs PRO Seminars

Kick off the New Year With Seth Godin: 57 Ways to Connect With Customers and Get Them to Spread Your Ideas for You
January 13

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

The Daily Show

Last week I said to watch this space, because some big changes would be afoot with this MarketingProfs Today newsletter.

So here it is: After a decade of publishing this newsletter weekly, we are moving to a daily publication. In other words, MarketingProfs Today now means today (as in every day) and not just today (as in Tuesday).


Why are we going to a daily format, you ask? When we launched MarketingProfs Today, times were different. In a less-hectic, pre-social-media world, publishing weekly was enough. A weighty and meaty email publication that came once a week was enough; readers could come back to it again and again and pick out the stuff they found most relevant to them.

I sound like I'm describing a newsletter delivered by Pony Express, don't I? A simpler, quainter world, in which a newsletter might be lovingly cross-stitched on muslin and then dispatched to you by the fastest rider.

I'm not describing anything close to that, of course. But what's radical is that the pace of communication and social sharing has sped up significantly, so that the pre-Twitter, pre-Facebook era does sometimes seem preciously provincial by comparison.

At the same time, there's much more noise out there. Everyone is a publisher these days, which means that everyone is... well, publishing. But where can you turn for the best information? Whom can you trust?

What that means for MarketingProfs—with its mission to act as beacon of light illuminating your path through the clutter—is that it can no longer bring you actionable know-how just once a week. Your job is daily, right? And so is ours now.

Truth is, our job has been daily too. And in the past few years MarketingProfs has been publishing an array of daily content, like market-research charts and summaries, and blog posts (or OpEd pieces, as I think of them). The new MarketingProfs Today allows us to highlight the daily content that we are already publishing, and continue to provide a daily dose of know-how.

So... Are you ready? Beginnin g on Monday, January 3, our newest baby arrives in your inbox. We hope you like it. As always, I rely on you to tell me what you really think.

Upcoming Events

SocialTech 2010 On Demand
available online until January 2011

Digital Marketing World
Online, a new topic-focused show each month

Digital Marketing Forum 2011
February 2-4, 2011

Growing Your Fan Base and Engaging Effectively on Facebook
1/20/2011 with Ekaterina Walter

How to be a Social Media Strategist, Not the Social Help Desk
1/27/2011 with Jeremiah Owyang

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