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 This Week's Marketing How-To
Revamp to Revenue: Five Ways to Turn on the Profits With Your Website
By Greg Gaskill. In the current economic climate, you need to revamp your website into a pre-sales tool, lead-generation machine, or even a revenue-producing cash cow. Get the full story >
 Editors' Pro Pick
Tap Into the Facebook Crowd for Great Results
Get insider information on how 21 companies —including Adobe, Cisco, and Dunkin' Donuts—are using Facebook and its many tools to boost their brand and revenue. Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

Problem Solved: How Do I Keep My Website Interesting, and Keep Visitors Coming Back?
By Claire Coyne. You've created a cool website, but how do you keep it fresh? Get the full story >

Tertiary Keyword Rankings: Using Your Search-Engine Presence to Power Your Customers
By Andy Komack. Even if your company has a reseller support program, there are two very important assets that are probably being underused. Get the full story >

Achieving Relevance in Direct Digital Marketing: Overcoming Organizational Constraints
By Bryce Marshall. You can do everything else right, but failure to address organizational challenges can torpedo an otherwise watertight ship. Get the full story >

Five Ways to Create More Value in Your Presentations
By Joseph Sommerville, PhD. Presentations offer you excellent opportunities to provide that value at different stages of the sales cycle. Here are five ways to create more value. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

How to Gather Free B2B Competitive Intelligence
February 4

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

The Keys to a Successful In-Person Event

I haven’t written in a little while about this May’s MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston, but that’s not because there’s nothing to say. In fact, there have been a number of things under development on our flagship B2B event happening May 4 & 5.


Like what? Glad you asked. Like:

A near-complete agenda. The program is still being finalized, but it's *this close.* Some of the sessions I’m particularly looking forward to are Lee Odden and Jiyan Wei on “Optimizing Your Website Content for Best Search Results,” Christina Kerley’s case study “Swap Meet,” and SAS’s Dave Thomas on “Social Media Guidelines: Necessary or Limiting?”

Keynotes. Mitch Joel (“How B2B Connects in a Connected World”) and Dave Weinberger (“What Marketers Are Still Missing: The Power of the New Digital Disorder”)

Interactive discussions, one-on-one “therapy,” and lab-style learning. Because the speakers aren’t always the smartest ones in the room. This is the stuff that truly sets MarketingProfs apart.

Par-tay! Four words: Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. (Taking place Tuesday night.) Mentioning the party might seem a little odd, but we think a fun, relaxed, friendly environment is the key to successful networking.

• And finally: The Pit Crew. The theme of the B2B Forum is "Driving Sales." So during the last session of the event, our four B2B Pit Crew members give you the Top 30 Take-Aways from the sessions. A MarketingProfs tradition, the end-cap session is designed to ensure you have plenty to chew on the journey back home.

Spring is lovely in Boston, my home town. Will I see you there?

Upcoming Events

MarketingProfs Business-to-Business Forum 2010
May 4-5, 2010

One-to-One Video Marketing: Interactive Campaigns That Won't Break the Budget
February 11 with Randy Spurrier

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