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 This Week's Marketing How-To
The Secret to Success in a Down Economy: Market Intelligence
By Barbara Bix. Especially in a down economy, it's important to understand where the opportunities are—and how to capitalize on them. Get the full story >
 Editors' Pro Pick
Tried and True Twitter Marketing Tips
Get tips, best-practices, marketing strategies, and new ideas from companies that have used Twitter successfully—and learn from their trials and errors. Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

Why Social, Mobile, and Email Are BFFs (Not Archenemies)
By Morgan Stewart. The digital-marketing trifecta of social media, mobile, and email are fueling (not cannibalizing) one another. Get the full story >

A Five-Step Guide to Take Your Campaign Global
By Dina Paglia. Don't just translate. Instead, transcreate... to avoid serious mistakes and avoid enormous costs. Get the full story >

The 10 Most Common Pitfalls of Brand Licensing
By Pete Canalichio. If you are looking to drive revenue, enter new markets, or reposition your product, brand licensing can lead to dramatic results. But pitfalls abound. Get the full story >

The Value of SaaS Isn't Just Lower Cost
By Peter A. Cohen. Build a value proposition for your SaaS solution that's supported by multiple legs. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

New Tips on Marketing with LinkedIn Today
February 25

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

How Are You Using Facebook?

Over the weekend, a friend rang me up to ask what I knew about setting up a Facebook page for his fledgling (but growing) custom cabinetry business.


I'm always happy to tell anyone what I know about social tools, but he got down into the weeds pretty quickly on the particulars of the platform, as well as on ideas of what others like him have done to market their businesses there.

It was one thing to trade ideas with me, I realized, but really what he needed was a romp through our Facebook Success Stories: How 21 companies are using the social network to connect with customers. He needed to read for himself how 21 organizations of all sizes are using Facebook's tools, ads, applications, and Fan pages to increase brand awareness, target specific markets, promote new products, and create communities that engage users.

(Just to refresh my own brain, I downloaded the collection of case studies again before recommending it to him. And I remembered anew what a rich resource it is!)

So what about you? How are you using Facebook to grow your business? I'd love to hear your experiences. Drop me a line, and we might be able to use your story in an upcoming addendum to the Facebook collection.

P.S. "[C]ontrary to prevailing stereotypes, the typical social gamer is a 43-year-old woman." (PopCap Games) This surprised me when I read it on MarketingProfs last week. Does it you, too?

Upcoming Events

MarketingProfs Business-to-Business Forum 2010
May 3-5, 2010

How Businesses Are Marketing With Facebook & Twitter (FREE)
February 23 with Rick Burnes

Leading Them by the Nose: How Web Visitors Follow the Scent of Information
March 4 with Jared Spool

How to Get Maximum Search Results with Rich Content and Social Media (FREE)
March 9 with Michael Stelzner

Portrait of a Digital Consumer in 2010 (FREE)
March 23 with Bill Tancer

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