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 This Week's Marketing How-To
The Top Five Things Marketers Must Do in 2010
By Joel Book. Want to squeeze the most juice out of your marketing dollars in 2010? Here are five things you must do. Get the full story >
 Editors' Pro Pick
Get Linked in to a Powerful Business Community
See how 11 companies use LinkedIn as a place to solicit advice about business decisions, bounce ideas off each other, and get real opinions on products and services. Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

Profiling Green Moms: What Marketers Need to Know
By Andrea Learned. Women who are moms, write blogs, and self-identify as "green" have exactly the motivation and conviction marketers need to understand in this economic and marketing climate. Get the full story >

Five Marketing Mistakes You Can Avoid by Using Cross-Channel Attribution
By Anto Chittilappilly. Assigning credit for marketing results to where credit is due is something most marketers get wrong—but could get right, with cross-channel attribution techniques. Get the full story >

The End of the Long-Copy vs. Short-Copy Debate
By Barry Densa. Which converts better and drives more sales: long-form copy or short-form copy? Get the full story >

Video Microsites—The Brand-Story Campaign Solution
By Jerry Bader. Marketing initiatives aimed at a highly targeted audience require their own space and identity if they are to succeed. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

Leading Them by the Nose: How Web Visitors Follow the Scent of Information
March 4

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

How I Was Wrong About LinkedIn

I've always considered LinkedIn more of a place to prospect for a job than anything else. And since I haven't been in the market for one in a while, I've paid it little mind.


Plus, if I'm being honest: I've always thought LinkedIn was kind of... well, boring. If Facebook was a rave at a cool downtown hot spot, LinkedIn was a stuffy reception with piped-in music at one of those cookie-cutter function facilities conveniently located at the end of an exit ramp.

Does that sound harsh? Perhaps.

But now I've realized that I couldn't have been more wrong. LinkedIn, it turns out, is a happening place: It has more than 60 million members in over 200 countries, on all 7 continents. Execs from every Fortune 500 company are there. And 81% of business-to-business marketers use LinkedIn.

All that info is from our latest case study collection, LinkedIn Success Stories: How 11 companies are using the global networking site to achieve their business and marketing goals.

In the collection, our own Kim Smith details LinkedIn's slew of new features and recent applications, and gives an insider's view of how those tools are being used by 11 organizations to conduct research, demonstrate thought leadership and expertise, attract users to events, and win new business.

One of my favorite quotes in the case study collection is by Patti D. Hill, CEO of Penman Public Relations, who likes the enduring aspect of LinkedIn. "Twitter is real time, and you're a blip on the screen," she says. "LinkedIn waits for us. Like email, it's there when you want it."

In short, while I wasn't looking, LinkedIn has amped up to a full-blown party—one you don't want to miss. My bad.

How are you using LinkedIn?

PS: In case you missed it, LinkedIn's Community Manager, Mario Sundar, last week gave MarketingProfs Pro members a tour of LinkedIn's features. It's a great primer on using LinkedIn if you haven't yet begun to take advantage of the goodness there.

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