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 This Week's Marketing How-To
Nine Effective Tactics to Get Opt-In Email Subscribers
By David Godot. The sweeter the deal, the better the chances that a site visitor will become a subscriber. Get the full story >
 Editors' Pro Pick
Achieve Marketing Success on Facebook
Get an inside look at how you can use Facebook to increase brand awareness, target specific markets, promote new products, and create communities that engage users. Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

Build Your Brand on a Solid Sense of Your Identity
By Roger Sametz. Because the brand picture assembled in the hearts and minds of your constituents is a mix of both what you can control and what you can't, it's important to develop a strong foundation for your brand. Get the full story >

Increasing Sales Effectiveness: The Art and Science of Win/Loss Analysis
By Rachel Corn, Robin Kahn. Do you really know why you lost the recent deal or why some customers keep coming back? Get the full story >

Problem Solved: How Can We Map Social Media to B2B Sales?
By Claire Coyne. What tactics are really working to draw prospects in—and not turn them off? Get the full story >

Web-Metrics Express: What You Need to Know to Avoid Mistakes
By Pete Gaioni. Approach your website's analytics as a three-step process. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

Shift Your B2B Marketing into High Gear: Lead Management, Social Media & Integration (FREE)
March 25

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

B2B Marketers: Is Social Media Driving Sales for You?

This week's story by Claire Coyne asks How Can We Map Social Media to B2B Sales? As it happens, that question also maps nicely to this Thursday's free webinar on integrating social media into your B2B marketing mix.


Featuring our own Roy Young with a panel of four B2B marketers (Dave Thomas from SAS, ExactTarget's Joel Book, Kipp Bodnar from Hubspot, and Carlos Hidalgo from the Annuitas Group), Shift Your B2B Marketing into High Gear: Lead Management, Social Media & Integration will share expert advice on how to turn more leads into customers.

You'll hear about the latest techniques in lead management and how to integrate social media into your marketing programs to strengthen lead generation and develop closer customer relationships.

In other words, you'll get a realistic picture of what B2B marketers need to do now to drive more sales. Specifically, you'll learn:

* How to integrate social prospecting into lead-gen strategies, including webcasts, events, and email drip campaigns
* Ways to use email—in combination with CRM and social media—to acquire, retain, and expand customer relationships
* How lead nurturing affects the other areas of lead management, including lead planning, lead routing, lead qualification, and measurement
* The benefits of having a more formalized set of social media recommendations for employees

What B2B marketer can afford to miss this? Especially at that price?

BONUS! At the end of the live broadcast, we're going to randomly choose one lucky viewer to get a free registration to our B2B Forum in Boston—a $1,295 value. You must be present at the end of the seminar to win.

See you Thursday!

Upcoming Events

MarketingProfs Business-to-Business Forum 2010
May 3-5, 2010

Corporateblahbidiblah Detox: Grow Your Business by Communicating in Human
April 1 with Harry Gottlieb

Tales from Twitterville: How Small Shops and Global Giants are Putting Twitter to Work
April 8 with Shel Israel

New YouTube Features That Will Make You Stand Out from the Crowd
June 10 with Michael Miller

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