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 This Week's Marketing How-To
Take 10: 6 Steps to a Successful YouTube Video Shoot
Michael Miller, author of YouTube for Business, provides detailed recommendations for planning and setting up professional YouTube video shoots for your marketing campaign videos. All in just 10 minutes. Read more >
 Editors' Pro Pick
Best Practices for Adding Social Media to Your Marketing Mix
Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. Although these social media tools are effective on their own, they work best when part of other marketing programs. See how 10 companies have maximized results by integrating social media into traditional marketing efforts. Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

How a Mom-and-Pop Operation Turned Itself Into a Cult Brand
CASE STUDY: Coconut Bliss's grassroots, customer-focused efforts have enabled the company to establish a nationwide presence in just a few short years, while nurturing an incredibly strong and genuine passion among customers. Get the full story >

Marketing's Missing Link
By Laura Patterson. When this link is missing, your marketing is directionless and aimless—and therefore unlikely to achieve marketing goals. Get the full story >

Eight Ways to Improve Your Site Search and Capture More Conversions
By Shaun Ryan. By making these small improvements to your site search, you can reap higher conversion rates, more leads, and happier repeat customers. Get the full story >

URGENT: Bussiness moneys for you Dear, sir!! A Reformed Spam Writer Helps You Stay Out of the Junk Folder
By Anna Goldsmith. These six tips from a former spammer will help your legit emails avoid a one-way trip to oblivion in the junk folder. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

microMARKETING: Get Big Results by Thinking and Acting Small
August 12

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

Micromarketing: Get Big Results by Acting Small

This week, I'm excited to have my friend Greg Verdino, a vice-president at Powered, hosting the MarketingProfs seminar. Greg will be talking about something he calls "micromarketing," as he just published a book with the same title.

What's micromarketing? Greg and I chatted briefly about it:


AH: OK, so what are you talking about?

GV: We all know what mass marketing looks like—grand gestures, splashy creative, and big-budget media buys designed to reach and appeal to the widest possible audience. The problem? This type of marketing is less likely than ever to actually appeal to anyone at all. In large part, this is due to the splintering of mass culture into millions of niche microcultures, and the hyper-fragmentation of mass media into an infinite-channel microcontent universe (in other words, that pesky social media thing).

In microMARKETING, my thesis is that businesses today can achieve better results by tapping directly into these trends—by thinking and acting small—than they can by bucking against them and pining for the days of Super Bowl spots and homepage takeovers.

In contrast, micromarketing emphasizes the use of small gestures (like one-on-one, person-to-person interactions), simple social media approaches, and the amplification effect you get when the right people start spreading your messages and content.

AH: What else are you covering Thursday?

GV: In addition to giving attendees a peek at some of the key concepts from my book, the seminar will be packed with plenty of real-world examples and actionable ideas that they can begin applying to their own businesses as soon as the session ends—it's not all theory and it's not just the same old stuff social media experts have been hammering on for the past three years. As a bonus, I have a beautiful speaking voice that makes for some mighty fine online listening.

Sounds interesting, right? See you there!

Upcoming Events

SocialTech 2010
October 26, 2010

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Social Media is a Powerful Tool for Small Businesses
September 2 with Sean McDonald

Don't be a Report Monkey: Three Steps to Optimizing Online Marketing
September 16 with Jim Sterne

Sure-Fire Tips for Increasing Your Web Conversions
September 30 with Amy Africa

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