Vol. 3 , No. 40     October 7, 2003


In this Newsletter:

  1. Making Marketing Matter: An Interview With Visa EVP John Elkins
  2. How to Ignore Your Best Customers, the TiVo Way (Part 1)
  3. Hello, My Name Is Mike... and I Send Out Email
  4. Who Is Your Web Site for, Anyway?
  5. Talk the Talk and Listen, Too
  6. The PR Lessons of a Clueless Blog Pitch
  7. A New Tool in the Marketing Arsenal


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Roy Young
Making Marketing Matter: An Interview With Visa EVP John Elkins

John Elkins is the leader of Visa’s efforts to manage one of the world’s most recognized and trusted brands—with acceptance in more than 150 countries. He also is in charge of all global marketing partnerships and sponsorships.

How does he use the art and science of marketing to ensure that Visa remains the leading brand in the rapidly changing payments industry?

Get the full story.


Gator home mortgage clients know their ads are only seen by people who are looking for a loan. By targeting ads based on Web wide online behavior, the results are stunning.

Jackie Huba and Ben McConnnell
How to Ignore Your Best Customers, the TiVo Way (Part 1)

For most companies, a self-organized community of 40,000 passionate fans is unfathomable—a Holy Grail of marketing nirvana that many wish for but few attain. How does TiVo embrace this community of highly affiliated volunteer salespeople?

Well...it doesn’t.

Get the full story.

Michael Fischler
Hello, My Name Is Mike... and I Send Out Email

Are you an email contritionist? Do you write apologetic messages in your email outreach?

That's not email marketing. It's “ whimper marketing,” and it’s totally unnecessary. In fact, if you’re engaged in marketing you feel a need to apologize for, stop marketing.

Come on gang. Stand tall. You send out email promotions and you are proud of it!

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

TiVo and eBooks

This week we welcome back authors Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba to the pages of MarketingProfs.

Jackie and Ben took a month off from their column while they produced an audio version of their book, Creating Customer Evangelists, and snuck in a vacation.

They rejoin us today with a great exploration of why they think the executives behind their (and my) beloved TiVo continue to ignore the fervent 40,000 “evangelists” who champion the TiVo cause. Read “How to Ignore Your Best Customers…” You won’t be disappointed!

Also, have you checked out the MarketingProfs bookstore lately? There are three excellent titles in stock now: A Marketer’s Guide to e-Newsletter Publishing: Your Roadmap for Visibility and Profit, by our own Hank Stroll and Tamara Halbritter; The One Thing I Know About Doing Business Online: Advice from 17 Experts, by the always-readable Nick Usborne; and The Blankenhorn Effect: How to Put Moore's Law to Work for You, from the very original mind of Dana Blankenhorn.

If you haven’t stopped by in a while, please do drop in and browse around a bit.

As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.

Until next week,

Ann Handley


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Good Positioning Is a Sacrifice
  2. They Laughed When I Said There Was a Secret to Writing Good Headlines
  3. Making Marketing Matter: A Discussion with Futurist and ‘Fool’ Watts Wacker
  4. The Internet Generation
  5. Mind the Gap
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Top 5

  1. Why Opt-In Just Doesn’t Matter
  2. Are PDF Newsletters Retro—or a Smart Move?
  3. 5 Key Questions (You’ve Been Dying) To Ask About Business Blogs
  4. The Email Deliverability Crisis
  5. 7 Nitty-Gritty Tips To Publish A Monthly E-newsletter

MarketingProfs Seminar


Gerry McGovern
Who Is Your Web Site for, Anyway?

Many organizations simply can’t stop thinking about themselves. When talking to customers, many professionals—either consciously or subconsciously—use language as a tool of exclusion.

The Catholic Church may well have stopped saying mass in Latin. Unfortunately, many Web sites might as well be written in that ancient language, for all the sense they make.

Get the full story.

William Arruda
Talk the Talk and Listen, Too

Business is about people, not machines. It is about relationships, not transactions.

Effective conversation, then, is not just about sending out a series of messages to members of your brand community in the form of advertising, email, etc.; it is about engaging people in two-way discussions so that you can refine brand strategies and provide these constituencies with what they need to become your company’s brand stewards.

Get the full story.

B.L. Ochman
The P R Lessons of a Clueless Blog Pitch

The majority of the PR industry continues to log behind in the blogosphere, seemingly unconvinced that the influential new medium is worth learning about.

Those who are looking at blogs are also pitching them, and from what B.L. has seen their approach is disastrous.

Get the full story.

Gary Shaffer
A New Tool in the Marketing Arsenal

If you don’t have the budget to hire yet another agency or would like to see your present agency or marketing team come up with cash-register-ringing promotions themselves, where do you and your team turn?

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley


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