Vol. 3 , No. 49     December 9, 2003


In this Newsletter:

  1. More on How to Ignore Your Best Customers, the TiVo Way
  2. SWOT Team: Damage Control During Difficult Times
  3. How to Write With Sizzle When There’s No Sausage
  4. The Intranet Gets Serious: Making It Work (Part 2)
  5. What Can Web Copywriters Learn From Direct Mail?
  6. Top 20 Definitions of Blogging
  7. How to Move from ‘Clandestine’ to Creating Collateral that Counts


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Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba
More on How to Ignore Your Best Customers, the TiVo Way

TiVo largely ignores its extensive community of fervent customer evangelists.

In the United States, TiVo enjoys a passionate customer universe that rivals Krispy Kreme’s. Yet TiVo still hasn’t made the leap to the mass-market phenomenon of customer evangelism.


Get the full story.


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Yvonne Bailey and Hank Stroll
SWOT Team: Damage Control During Difficult Times

This week, weigh in with your own two cents: How can PR pave the way to recovery for a company coming out of financial difficulty?

Also this week: How do you maximize loyalty during a transition?

Get the full story.

Suzan St Maur
How to Write With Sizzle When There’s No Sausage

Anyone who has worked in sales knows that "features" are what something is, whereas "benefits" are what it does for you. And that’s easy to incorporate when you’re writing about your product or service.

But how do you write successfully when you’re selling something intangible to people who aren’t customers—but are almost as important?

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Duo Strikes Again

Greetings, discerning readers.

Ben McConnell’s and Jackie Huba’s excellent 2002 book, Creating Customer Evangelists: How Loyal Customers Become a Volunteer Sales Force, is a must-read for those looking to build customer loyalty on any scale.

Now, the Loyalty Duo has come out with a companion text. Their just-released "Creating Customer Evangelists Discussion Guide" helps organizational leaders begin the hard work of examining current belief systems toward customer loyalty. And they help you look at how existing programs are geared toward building word of mouth and customer evangelism.

The “Discussion Guide” functions as both a standalone booklet and a sidekick to the hardcover book. It’s designed for department heads, unit leaders, executives, entrepreneurs and change agents inside companies, as well as consultants who help organizations with marketing or customer loyalty. The guide is ideal for in-person or virtual discussion groups and includes tips on hosting roundtables.

This is a slim (24 pages) volume. But it sure packs a punch. Check it out in the MarketingProfs bookstore and tell me what you think.

As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.

Until next week,

Ann Handley


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Where Are You Going and How Will You Get There?
  2. PowerPoint Presentations Online: No! Stop! Don’t!
  3. Financial Intelligence for Strategic Planning
  4. Making Marketing Matter: An Interview With March of Dimes SVP Doug Staples
  5. Error Messages: More Important to Your Web Site Than You Think
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Research Techniques Top 5

  1. How to Effectively Conduct an Online Survey
  2. How To Run Customer Focus Groups Successfully
  3. Scrapers, Robots and Spiders: The Battle Over Internet Data Mining
  4. Understanding Users through Brand Research
  5. Getting from Research to Personas: Harnessing the Power of Data


Gerry McGovern
The Intranet Gets Serious: Making It Work (Part 2)

Many intranets have failed miserably. Some managers treated such communities and discussion groups with cynicism. They looked at them and saw a cheap way to spread knowledge throughout the organization.

But there are ways of making the intranet work quite well for an organization.

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Steve Jackson
What Can Web Copywriters Learn From Direct Mail?

Would you send a million letters costing tens of thousands of dollars in a direct marketing campaign, without testing the letter content first?

That’s what many Web site owners do when they don’t test and measure their own site copy and content, then spend thousands on Web marketing campaigns to drive traffic to their sites.

Get the full story.

Debbie Weil
Top 20 Definitions of Blogging

Here are Debbie's top 20 definitions of a blog. As she says, take them with a grain of salt. Take them as a starting point to think about how you might use a blog as part of your Web site or communications strategy.

Get the full story.

Tim Riesterer
How to Move from ‘Clandestine’ to Creating Collateral that Counts

Most collateral and sales messaging produced by marketing today goes unused in the actual sales cycle. Some estimate that upward of 90% of what gets created in the name of sales support doesn’t get used as intended, if at all.

So how do you create collateral that counts?

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley


Ad/Sponsor Information:
go here or contact jim@MarketingProfs.com

Online Seminars: Roy Young

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