Vol. 3 , No. 6     February 11, 2003


In this Newsletter:

  1. Let There Be Light
  2. 8 Steps to Creating an Infectious Business
  3. From Suspects to Prospects: Solve the Mystery of Qualifying Leads
  4. When Do You Stop Marketing to Customers?
  5. Top Six Sales Guide Mistakes
  6. After the Banner: What’s Up Next?
  7. Dear Tig: Brand Books, and What’s the Average Cost per Lead?


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Jim Sterne
Let There Be Light

In the beginning, the IT department created the Web server and the server log. And darkness was upon the face of the marketing department....

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Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba
8 Steps to Creating an Infectious Business

To make it easy for customers to describe what you do, they must easily understand the “idea” of your company.

If people quickly grasp the idea and benefits of your business, it’s considered to be infectious.

Get the full story.

Tamara Halbritter and Kevin Sullivan
From Suspects to Prospects: Solve the Mystery of Qualifying Leads

The mystery to solve is how to identify which customers are prospective buyers, so your sales team can spend their time wisely.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Creating Customers Buzz

Greetings discerning readers!

Can you describe what your company does in a few short, punchy sentences?

More critically, can your customers grasp the idea and articulate it just as easily?

This week, MarketingProfs regulars (and customer evangelist gurus) Jackie Huba and Ben McConnell pose those questions. They write, “Do people nod knowingly as you describe your company’s products or services, or do they look puzzled and quickly excuse themselves?”

In their view, it’s vital that your customers be able to quickly summarize your business. If they can’t, you’ll have a heck of time generating any excitement or buzz.

Huba and McConnell offer some great advice for helping your customers quickly digest what you do, with the ultimate goal of creating your own flock of customer evangelists.

Read Huba and McConnell this w eek, and let me know what you think.

As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged.

Until next time,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
  2. Why Customer Feedback Should Drive Your Marketing Communications
  3. The High Cost of Running A Website
  4. Adopt Positioning Strategies -- Not Strategic Positions
  5. Sales and Marketing 2003: Sell Me The Money

Global Mktg. Top 5

  1. 5 Reasons Women Are Naturals At Going Global
  2. 10 Traits To Put You on Top of the World
  3. 8 Global Marketing Gaffes
  4. Building a Living Global Brand
  5. 6 Tips To Shock Your Global Customers: It Works for Madonna!

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Sean D’Souza
When Do You Stop Marketing to Customers?

Are you afraid of alienating your customer with your marketing? Do you always feel like a stranger in their inboxes?

Do you know specifically when to keep marketing, and when to stop?

Get the full story.

Gwyn Finnell
Top Six Sales Guide Mistakes

Most companies spend their marketing budgets generating market awareness, but spend precious little equipping their sales force with the knowledge to sell.

And in today’s economy, selling is anything but easy.

Get the full story.

Alex Hendler
After the Banner: What’s Up Next?

After years of fumbling in the dark, marketers are finally beginning to understand how people use the Internet and are creating programs that synch up with their online habits.

The new emphasis is on reaching beyond the simple message-based banner.

Get the full story.

Tig Tillinghast
Dear Tig: Brand Books, and What’s the Average Cost per Lead?

Tig defines "brand books" and suggests what the best of them might include. He also weighs in on that amorphous issue: What's the average cost per lead?

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley


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