Vol. 3 , No. 24     June 17, 2003


In this Newsletter:

  1. Borrowing From The Big Boys
  2. The Permission Tree: Growing A Relationship One Branch At A Time
  3. How To Use Engagement Marketing To Shorten Your IT Sales Cycle
  4. Measuring Marketing ROI – How Low Can You Go?
  5. Services Marketing: How to Avoid the Revenue Rollercoaster Trap
  6. Has Krispy Kreme Peaked?
  7. Dear Tig: Different Terminology for the Similar Things, and When a Lack of Experience Can Be a Plus


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Kirsten Osolind
Borrowing From The Big Boys

"Big Boy" businesses know how to market to millions. And while there are plenty of areas where the Big Boys fall short, there are plenty of things the Big Boys do well to account for their fair share of growth and their mastery of marketing.

Small business owners can take a cue from the Big Boys by dedicating themselves to smart marketing. Here are 8 Big Boy principles that small businesses should consider.

Get the full story.


Free White Paper: Stop Losing Customers
Learn how Fed Ex, PG&E, Microsoft, Dell & others create positive web site experiences that turn visitors into customers. Free white paper from Vividence.


Dana Blankenhorn
The Permission Tree: Growing A Relationship One Branch At A Time

Dana was chatting with a friend about a client. The client is a financial service outfit that wants to go beyond its current niche, but isn't sure where to begin.

Dana's solution: a "Permission Tree."

Get the full story.

Paul DiModica
How To Use Engagement Marketing To Shorten Your IT Sales Cycle

Today more than ever, IT salespeople are looking for more qualified leads and shorter sales cycles.

One sales process Paul recommends to consulting clients is called "Engagement Marketing.” It shortens sales cycles and immediately increases qualified IT sales prospects for the sales team. How?

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Resource of the Week

Here’s a great blogging resource, courtesy of my Maine friend Richard Hoy, who runs a web site called booklocker.com.

For companies serious about using blog technology as business tool, consider Movable Type. As Richard says, Movable Type is basically a professional-grade content management system geared specifically to blogging.

MT is fast, efficient, and secure -- no server outages occur so you’ll never hang in the middle of a post.

Moveable Type runs on your company’s own server, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

MT competitor Blogspot “can actually manage a blog on another server (say if you wanted to host it under you r own domain, rather than https:////blogspot.whatever.com). But to do this you have to give blogspot access to your server, which is inherently insecure,” Richard says.

The bad news is that it can be a bit of a bear to install, according to Richard. But once it’s up and running, it works like a charm. (MT will soon be unveiling a hosted version of its blog product, called TypePad.)

Here’s the bottom line: “Movable Type has basically all the same features as blogspot,” he said. “It is just a much more polished piece of software. Kinda the difference between Dreamweaver and FrontPage.”

If you have found a business resource that’s proven to be a better mousetrap, drop me a line. I’d love to hear about it.

As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged.

Until next week,

Ann Handley


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Metadata: An Essential Web Writing Skill
  2. Stripping for the Audience: Secrets of Great Presenters
  3. Dear Tig: Distinguishing the Differences Between Brand Promise, Tagline, and a Positioning Statement
  4. Do Your Metrics Measure Up?
  5. Brand it Like Beckham
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Top 5

  1. Get It Right (Before You Get It Out)
  2. How To Treat Your Marketing Message
  3. Adapting Blog Technologies to Corporate e-Newsletters
  4. Are You Using This Emergency Email Tactic in Your Marketing?
  5. 7 Nitty-Gritty Tips To Publish A Monthly E-newsletter


Eran Livneh
Measuring Marketing ROI – How Low Can You Go?

How do you measure the impact of marketing on the bottom line? Eran's real answer is simple but disappointing: you cannot.

So what good are all these marketing metrics if you cannot measure the impact on the bottom line?

Get the full story.

Mike Schultz and John Doerr
Services Marketing: How to Avoid the Revenue Rollercoaster Trap

Many service businesses find themselves trapped in a vicious, no-growth cycle. The firm is either heavily marketing because they don’t have enough leads and new business, or they are heavily billing and delivering—and thus have no time for marketing.

This trap is the service revenue rollercoaster. So how do you avoid it?

Get the full story.


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the only event spanning all youth segments built on corporate best practices. Discover the key issues impacting Kids, Tween and Teen segments at the Disneyland Paradise Pier Hotel in Anaheim, CA on June 22 - 25, 2003. Keynotes include: Toys'R'Us, Mattel, Disney's Kim Possible and ABC Cable Networks Group. For more information and to register, please visit https:////www.iirusa.com/youth or call us at 888.670.8200.

Dan Limbach
Has Krispy Kreme Peaked?

If you haven’t heard about Krispy Kreme doughnuts by now, you've been living a seriously sheltered existence, my friend. It’s the uber-food of the doughnut world.

If the product is wonderful, and the experience is magical, what could possibly slow them down?

Get the full story.

Tig Tillinghast
Dear Tig: Different Terminology for the Similar Things, and When a Lack of Experience Can Be a Plus

This week, Tig weighs in on features vs. benefits; and ponders: Is a lack of experience ever a good thing?

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley


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