Vol. 3 , No. 28     July 15, 2003


In this Newsletter:

  1. Positioning In New Markets
  2. Reaping the Rewards of Email Requalification
  3. Metrics On a ‘Need to Know’ Basis
  4. Making Marketing Matter to the CEO (Part 1)
  5. How To Beat Writer’s Block
  6. From All About You to All About Them


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Michael Fischler
Positioning In New Markets

The positioning a product is obvious if a market exists already. But what about avant-garde or cutting-edge products and services?

How do you position a brand-spanking-new product when the so-called market doesn't know what it is, let alone have a sense of its value?

Get the full story.


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Neil Monnens
Reaping the Rewards of Email Requalification

How can list vendors and email newsletter publishers ensure the highest possible quality of an email list? Borrow a tactic from the offline world: Requalify the subscribers periodically.

What's more -- you can further differentiate your list from your competition's and command an even higher CPM.

Get the full story.

Jim Sterne
Metrics On a ‘Need to Know’ Basis

f you want to get across just how important Web metrics can be, here's what you need to explain to your boss, depending on what type of boss you have.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Let Me Sum Up

Positioning a product in a market is always a tricky thing—part art, part science. But it’s even trickier if your product is The Next New Thing—something cutting edge maybe, something avant-garde, something not yet understood, something that requires some explanation….

Or, to sum up, as Michael Fischler writes in today’s newsletter, “ How do you position [products] when the market doesn’t even know what these are, thus cannot give feedback?”

Obviously, Michael has a few ideas for you. His latest piece is the most recent in a series of articles on product positioning he’s penning. (You can browse the whole series here).

Also, check out a piece in this week’s issue by my good friend Neil Monnens, a former media buyer turned publisher. (The mandate of Neil’s new newsletter, “On the Publisher’s Side,” is to help online publishers maximize ad revenue with their pr oducts).

In this week’s article, Neil offers some excellent advice on cleaning your subscriber rolls and suggests ways you can further differentiate your list—namely, through quality.

And speaking of quality subscribers… our own audience (this means you!) is thriving.

Last month, MarketingProfs acquired a record 7,648 new weekly newsletter subscribers (topping our previous monthly record of about 6,900). What’s truly amazing is that we accomplished this despite deleting more than 1,000 names that didn’t meet the requirements of our double-opt-in policy.

High-fives all around—but a special thanks to you, our readers, for the part you play in making the site grow!

As always, your feedback is both welcome and encouraged.

Until next time,

Ann Handley


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. 5 Key Questions (You’ve Been Dying) To Ask About Business Blogs
  2. Are Your Headlines Missing These Precise Psychological Triggers?
  3. How To Successfully Extend Your Brand
  4. Making Brands Relevant Online (Part I)
  5. Write What You Know: Establishing Thought Leadership
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Copy/Content Top 5

  1. Are Your Headlines Missing These Precise Psychological Triggers?
  2. What’s Your Value Proposition?
  3. Write What You Know: Establishing Thought Leadership
  4. Take Full Responsibility For Your Web Content
  5. Telling It Like It Is: The Art of Mining Compelling Quotes


Roy Young
Making Marketing Matter to the CEO (Part 1)

There are two types of CEOs: those who know that they don’t understand marketing and those who don’t know that they don’t understand marketing.

If the value marketers bring to an organization is not understood by the CEO, we will not have respect and influence anywhere in the organization.

Get the full story.

Suzan St Maur
How To Beat Writer’s Block

The blank screen or piece of paper has terrified authors forever. But there are a number of tricks we can use, and they work for pretty much everything from an email to a brochure or business proposal.

Get the full story.

Cliff Atkinson
From All About You to All About Them

As a presenter, shift away from expressing your individual style of communicating. Instead, adapt your presentation to the audience’s style of decision-making. If you’re not doing this, you’re losing the other side of the desk.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley


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