Vol. 3 , No. 34     August 26, 2003


In this Newsletter:

  1. Seven Deadly Sins of Web Writing
  2. SWOT Team: Ugly Politics of Successful Marketing
  3. Target Marketing: Six Lessons from Major League Baseball
  4. Permission Versus Attention
  5. No Bull: A Nifty Tool for Compelling Copy
  6. Why Most Law Firm Web Sites Don’t Work (and How to Improve Them)
  7. New and Improved Can Be Old and Boring


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Gerry McGovern
Seven Deadly Sins of Web Writing

What’s the single most important thing that could improve the Web?

It’s not broadband. It’s better writing.

The general quality of writing on the Web is poor. The way you write has a major impact on what people think of you. Avoid these common mistakes, and you will achieve more with your Web site.

Get the full story.


Gator home mortgage clients know their ads are only seen by people who are looking for a loan. By targeting ads based on Web wide online behavior, the results are stunning.

Tamara Halbritter and Hank Stroll
SWOT Team: Ugly Politics of Successful Marketing

This issue’s marketing dilemma does double duty by addressing two aspects of SWOT: How political hotbeds can be both an internal Weakness and an external Opportunity.

Join our growing community of SWOT Team members. Provide your best advice to this dilemma or submit a dilemma you face.

Get the full story.

Bobette Kyle
Target Marketing: Six Lessons from Major League Baseball

Does your business struggle with profitable online marketing? If so, you are not alone.

Here are six lessons from Major League Baseball that you can take into account to profitably target your own customers.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Introducing BlogBytes

Greeting discerning readers!

Ever notice that the “Profs” in MarketingProfs refers to both professionals and professors? The truth is, we have a number of academic types on our list, who enjoy the Mprofs community and appreciate our content. (At least, that’s what they tell me!)

Some of those “profs” write for us occasionally, and what they have to say is always spot-on.

But what about the profs who don’t write for us? There’s a whole lot of solid academic research – produced by the likes of Stanford, Northwestern, MIT, and so on – that can offer some truly valuable insight. We aren’t talking dry-as-toast research, either. We’re talking sophisticated, solid studies that can help professionals working in the trenches do their jobs better and smarter.

To that end, MarketingProfs this week introduces its own blog written by the talented and competent Valerie Frazee. Valerie is charged with distilling the academic research at some of the world’s best colleges and universities and interpreting it for the rest of us. She’ll post her findings (with both style and wit!) on the MarketingProfs Blog several times each week.

It’s the perfect job for Val. Val moves comfortably between the academic community and professional world, and she’s a terrific writer, to boot. Feel free to drop her a line mailto: val@marketingprofs.com with your initial comments and suggestions.

Oh – and check out MarketingProfs blog here.

And be sure to check back often, as Valerie will update the content regularly.

As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.

Until next week,

Ann Handley


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. A Marketing Definition in Six Words
  2. How to Write Your Own Ad Copy: A Guide to Get You Started
  3. MarketingProfs’ SWOT Team Removes CEO Roadblock
  4. Making Marketing Matter to the CEO, Part 2: E is for Effectiveness
  5. Insanity: Marketing the Same Way Over and Over but Expecting Results
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Email Strategy
Top 5

  1. Five Effects of a Site on a Service Business Brand
  2. 5 Key Questions (You’ve Been Dying) To Ask About Business Blogs
  3. Your Web Metrics Can Be All Wrong (Part 1)
  4. Eight Steps to Ward Off Spam Complaints
  5. Your Web Metrics Can Be All Wrong (Part 2)



Dana Blankenhorn
Permission Versus Attention

As the spam flood has drowned more and more of us, Dana has seen many people ignoring legitimate messages, bouncing them or throwing them angrily into spam folders.

What are companies doing wrong?

They are seeking permission, when what they really want, and need, is something far more important: attention.

Get the full story.

Dan Limbach
No Bull: A Nifty Tool for Compelling Copy

This article will not empower you to leverage the paradigm shift of the new globalization platform in seamless, value-add enterprise solutions.

Huh?? Say that again?

Unfortunately, typical marketing communications are full of buzzwords that use “powerful” language in an effort to communicate a message. They succeed only in blurring their message so that it becomes meaningless.

Get the full story.


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Lomit Patel
Why Most Law Firm Web Sites Don’t Work (and How to Improve Them)

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This maxim is true for many things in life, none more so than a Web site.

While most law firms are professional in their day-to-day business operations, many still haven’t learned that a poorly designed Web site can damage the firm’s credibility and impair its image.

Get the full story.

Linda Kazares
New and Improved Can Be Old and Boring

In the second article in this three-part series, Linda asks: Do your marketing programs pass out over time?

Read on to get some great ideas about reviving your energy, success and blood flow.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley
ann@Mark etingProfs.com


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