Vol. 4 , No. 11     March 16, 2004


In this Newsletter:

  1. One Sure Way to Kill Your Marketing Strategy
  2. Web Metrics Versus Web Analytics
  3. The Cognitive Load of PowerPoint: Q&A With Richard E. Mayer
  4. The Formula Behind an E-Newsletter That Sells
  5. SWOT Team: Back up Your Marketing Plan and Cover Your Back
  6. The Seven Perils of Entrepreneurship
  7. Does Your Brand Give Customers a 404?


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Allen Weiss
One Sure Way to Kill Your Marketing Strategy

There are many ways to kill a marketing strategy, including bad execution of good strategy, political impediments, underfunding of marketing initiatives and other problems that drive marketing strategies into the ground.

But there are sometimes other, more subtle (but consistent) problems in companies.

Get the full story.

MarketingProfs Know-How Seminar

Web Analytics to Guide Marketing Effectiveness
What are the most important metrics to determine whether your site is serving the company while it's serving web pages?
Our upcoming seminar with Jim Sterne.
Go here to find out more.

Jim Sterne
Web Metrics Versus Web Analytics

Ask for a definition of “Web metrics,” and those in the know will not hesitate to explain. But be prepared to hear different stories.

While there’s no end of things to measure, there are two distinct factions when it comes to measuring the Web.

Here, Sterne sets the record straight.

Get the full story.

Cliff Atkinson
The Cognitive Load of PowerPoint: Q&A With Richard E. Mayer

Many people have opinions about PowerPoint, but few can speak on the topic with the authority of psychology professor Mayer.

The author of 18 books and more than 250 articles, Mayer's 12 years of research in multimedia learning and problem solving have important implications for PowerPoint users.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Say What?

Greetings, discerning readers!

Does your marketing team speak the same language as the rest of the company? Even if you aren’t a multinational company, you may be surprised that the answer is often no.

So says MProfs Publisher Allen Weiss in his excellent lead piece this week, "One Sure Way to Kill Your Marketing Strategy."

In Allen’s view, the real issue clotheslining many marketing departments isn’t pitiful funding or a lack of CEO support. Instead, the real problem is that so many companies represent a sort of tower of Babel, with individuals and departments using their own “language.”

If you can get everyone on the same page when you speak of “quality,” for example, you’ll be a whole lot closer to fulfilling your marketing strategy. Allen tells you precisely how to do so.

Elsewhere in this issue, don’t miss Debbie Weil’s solid how-to, "The Formula Behind an E-Newsletter That Sells." Also, the always-readable Jim Sterne produces a fine discussion of Web metrics versus Web analytics. I’ve got to admit—I learned a few things!

Speaking of Sterne, he'll be leading a know-how seminar on Web metrics on March 30. A short description of the seminar is available here.

So… belly up to the table and enjoy the feast! As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.

Until next week,

Ann Handley


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. The Brand IS the Strategy
  2. Page Titles That Attract Readers
  3. Without Conversion Rates, You Don’t Know if You’re Mickey Mouse or Mickey Mantle
  4. Metadata: Seven Tips for Writing Better Keywords
  5. Lost in Translation: 8 Global Marketing Gaffes (Part 2)
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Recent Know-How Exchange Questions/Answers

  1. Marketing Strategy For A Strat-up Business, Marketing In Five Different Countries
  2. Best Strategy To Market An New Brand Of Industrial Product In An Industry Saturated By Lower-end Products
  3. Continuing Education At The Sas Institute
  4. Emailing A Press Release
  5. Conveying The Value Of Branding To Franchisees



Debbie Weil
The Formula Behind an E-Newsletter That Sells

How do you know if the content of your e-newsletter is on the mark? Answer: It depends on your goal.

If you’re writing your e-newsletter as a communications and update tool, you’ll measure your success by the kind of feedback you get. Messages from readers such as “I loved the article in your latest issue” will be enough to make your day.

But if the goal of your e-newsletter is to sell your product or service, then you’re looking for a different reaction to your content: a purchase.

Get the full story.

Yvonne Bailey and Hank Stroll
SWOT Team: Back up Your Marketing Plan and Cover Your Back

This week, weigh in with your own opinion on this issue: What do you do when your boss does not offer feedback? How do you cover your back?

Also this week, read your answers to: Is brand localization necessary to be successful in foreign markets?

Get the full story.


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Rickey Gold
The Seven Perils of Entrepreneurship

If you’ve been out of work for a while, or are just plain tired of the work you’ve been doing for years, you may be thinking of starting a business. If so, get ready to embark on an exciting, rarely dull, often nerve-wracking journey.

Here are some obstacles you’re about to face.

Get the full story.

Stern Dixon
Does Your Brand Give Customers a 404?

Web sites aren’t the only place you’ll find a 404 error. The term can also describe any situation where the link between a brand and the fulfillment of that brand’s promise is broken.

A 404 happens anytime a customer’s brand expectations aren’t met in reality. In other words, there’s a broken link between the marketing message and the truth.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley


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Roy Young

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