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Vol. 5 , No. 42     October 17, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. Which Marketing Metrics Do You Really Need to Know?
  2. Seven Ways to Overcome TDD (and Boost Response Rates)
  3. The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—No. 4: Failure to Dream With the R&D Team
  4. Setting up a Mobile Marketing Program: A Primer
  5. Six Steps to Jumpstart Your Product and Marketing Strategy
  6. Sleepwalking Through the Workday: How Internal Communications Can Engage Employees
  7. Marketing Challenge: Two Ways to Market on a Small Budget


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Premium Content

Nicholas Watkis
Which Marketing Metrics Do You Really Need to Know?

A recent book, "Marketing Metrics: 50+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master " (Wharton, 2006), claims that there are over 50 metrics every executive should master. Faced with such a daunting number, most marketers are likely to want to know which of the 50 are critical, and which are merely nice to know.

The truth is: there is no specific number of measurements that the effective marketer must have, but revenue, profit, and return on investment are fundamental for every marketing organization. For many small companies, the number of important measurements and metrics will be considerably less than 50, but for the larger and more complex businesses the number will be considerably more... .

Get the full story.

Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


A Perfect Fit: Finding an Enterprise
Email Service Provider

Sophisticated marketers and multi-sender organizations need the special expertise found in only a handful of ESPs. Silverpop's white paper walks you through the process. Discover what to ask internally and of potential vendors to ensure a match.

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Lee Marc Stein
Seven Ways to Overcome TDD (and Boost Response Rates)

We all know about ADD—Attention Deficit Disorder. The larger problem, in terms of getting response to our communications, is TDD—Time Deficit Disorder.

Get the full story.

Roy Young
The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—No. 4: Failure to Dream With the R&D Team

Look to dream with the R&D team if you want marketing to be valued as a leader of future cash flow.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Crash Course Kick-Off

I took a virtual stroll around the world headquarters of MarketingProfs this week to see what was going on in the various MP departments like virtual seminars, custom content, the blog, and forum.

At Customer Service Mission Control, Shelley Ryan tipped me off to this Thursday's Crash Course in Direct Marketing, the first in a 10-seminar series running now through March.

In the marketing world, “webinar” often has a salesy infomercial-ish connotation, which is why we call our MarketingProfs seminars "virtual seminars," not webinars or webcasts. The events are strictly educational. In other words, you are signing up to learn valuable information: not to become a sales lead.

In her first “Crash Course” seminar, DM expert Ruth Stevens covers the elements that every marketing professional needs to know -- from the characteristics that define the scope of direct marketing, to the strategies and tactics that can make or break a DM campaign. You’ll gain a clear understanding of the language of direct marketing. And you’ll learn from actual case studies and successful examples that you can translate to your own marketing programs.

Sounds cool, right? It’s also a steal. You can’t beat the price of $199/year for all events in that series, plus the many more Shelley and colleagues Roy Young and Val Frazee organize monthly. (On average, we produce 2 or 3 seminars a month.)

Check out the DM seminar series, kicking off this week, here.

Thanks for stopping by! As always, my door is open to your comments, criticism, feedback and suggestions.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. The New World of Customer Advisory Programs
  2. The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—No. 3: Failing to Speak the Language of Business
  3. Six Ways to Keep Your Web Pages Simple and Increase Sales
  4. Blogging and the Boardroom: Six Steps to Starting a Corporate Blog
  5. Four Low-Cost Web Marketing Strategies
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  1. LifeWay Christian Resources
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  8. Benchmark Brands, Inc.
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

October 19, 2006
A Crash Course in Direct Marketing
Ruth Stevens kicks off the first in a ten-seminar series that will teach you how to think like a direct marketer.

October 26, 2006
BOOM: Marketing to the Ultimate Power Consumer — The Baby Boomer Woman
Mary Brown explains the best strategies for reaching these complex and crucial spenders.


Allison Gower
Setting up a Mobile Marketing Program: A Primer

Quick—is your marketing mobile? Can your message reach your on-the-go audience and can your in-motion customer interact with you wherever they are?

In the past, as long as you were advertising out-of-home, you could have answered "yes." But today, unless your media plan contains a significant amount of mobile-compatible mediums, you are not optimizing your reach. Here's how.

Get the full story.

Niti Agrawal
Six Steps to Jumpstart Your Product and Marketing Strategy

Are you ready to transition a product into new markets or define next generations of a solution? Knowing in which direction to take your product and marketing strategy can be difficult to determine, taking many months and using significant resources.

The following six steps can help you jumpstart your strategy-planning efforts with a streamlined and effective approach in developing a targeted product and market strategy.

Get the full story.

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Tonya Bacon
Sleepwalking Through the Workday: How Internal Communications Can Engage Employees

According to a survey recently published in Gallup Management Journal, a startling 69% of workers are either not-engaged or actively disengaged on the job. Further research from the firm estimates that approximately $370 billion is lost annually due to lower productivity from actively disengaged workers alone.

So what can you do about this alarming trend?

Get the full story.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll
Marketing Challenge: Two Ways to Market on a Small Budget

What's the best way to get big results from a small budget?

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

Ad/Sponsor Information:
go here or contact

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