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Vol. 5 , No. 44     October 31, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. Three Steps for Defending Your Strategy and Winning Budget Battles
  2. Profile of a Marketing Champion: Unilever's Silvia Lagnado
  3. Marketing Strategy Is the Foundation for Business Success
  4. To Innovate—Break a Rule
  5. Marketing's Role in Creating Products That Sell Themselves
  6. Recruiting Spanish-Speaking Employees as a Competitive Advantage
  7. Marketing Challenge: Two Ways to Stop Web-Design Meddlers


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Jim Lenskold
Three Steps for Defending Your Strategy and Winning Budget Battles

You work with your team to design a well-integrated marketing plan that you believe is the best approach to the market. And, sure enough, upper management demands a budget cut that disrupts your plan. The budget-cutting process puts you as a marketer in defensive mode—you may lose key tactics that have strategic value in the marketing mix, or the cuts scale back the overall marketing to the point where you question the potential impact.

Marketers need to be prepared to articulate their strategy in terms that are relevant to executives. Three steps may help your case....

Get the full story.

Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


Free Webcast: The New Age of Web Analytics 2.0

Presenters: Forrester Research and Unica November 14, 2006 Have you embraced the new age? Register Today

Roy Young
Profile of a Marketing Champion: Unilever's Silvia Lagnado

Silvia Lagnado, new group vice-president at London-based Unilever, embodies marketing championship—in particular, the ability to "span silos" by building bridges between marketing and her company's many other functions to generate cash flow.

Silvia heads a team devoted to "brand development," including conceptualizing new products and creating advertisements, packaging, and marketing strategies. Here, Roy Young uncovers what makes her a "marketing champion."

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Note: This Marketing Guide is available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.

Linda Popky
Marketing Strategy Is the Foundation for Business Success

Take the time to ensure you have a well-thought-out, fully developed marketing strategy. It may require more work upfront, but it will pay off in the long run.

After all, about the only thing worse than not knowing where you're going is starting out for your destination, only to find out later that it's not really where you want to go.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Marketing Halloween

Actually, this isn't really a note about "marketing" Halloween; it's more a note about Halloween and its market.

Here in the Northeast, the only thing that makes the death march toward winter tolerable is the brief respite that Halloween brings each October 31. It's the only time you can temporarily forget the shortening days, the ending of the year, the inevitability of cold and dark and aging... and become someone else for a day.

Halloween has its critics. Some conservative denominations of Christians, Jews and Muslims don't like it, and some mental health professionals contend that Halloween themes of violent psychosis and freakish insane asylums stigmatize and victimize the mentally ill.

I respect those points of view (although I might suggest that Halloween is as good a time as any to put the "fun" back infundamentalism). Still, I love the holiday. And I'm not alone: Nationwide, Americans will spend more on Halloween this year than they did in 2005. Each consumer will spend on average $59.06 on Halloween this year, up from $48.48 per person a year ago. We will have shelled out nearly $5 billion on costumes, decorations, and candy before tonight is over.

What makes people love Halloween? Maybe because it offers a chance to indulge in a fantasy or alternative persona without risk of ridicule, or it could be that most people just don't get the chance to act like kids often enough.

But my own reasons aren't quite as profound. Here's why I love Halloween:

Halloween is about community. Unlike other holidays—like Thanksgiving, where you have to endure making nice with Aunt Ida and her wing-nut of a son, or like Valentine's Day, when it's the unattached who feel freakish—Halloween is free from the pressure of sit-down meals with extended family and its complexities; free from heartache; and free from so much more...

Halloween is equal-opportunity. Aside from those who voluntarily keep their porch lights out on Halloween night, Halloween does not differentiate based on income, sex, age, or religious or sexual preference. No religious or state institution "owns" it. Anybody can participate.

Halloween is all about kids. Halloween is one of the holidays around which the kid year revolves. For the kids, there's the thrill of dressing up, free candy, and walking the sidewalks after dark. As for us parents, I love seeing the same kids on my doorstep year after year, and taking a silent inventory of how they're growing up and changing.

Halloween is short-term commitment. So even if you hate it, the trick-or-treating is usually all over in two hours, and's November.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

p.s. An expanded version of this note is posted at the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog -- check it out and add a comment!


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Delivering Frontline 'Wow': Three Must-Haves for Every Employee
  2. The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make - No. 5: Using Ad-Hoc Marketing Processes
  3. Tradeshow Tips for the Introvert
  4. Why Rebranding Often Fails
  5. Cutting-Edge, Mission-Critical Analysis: Steps to Avoiding Overused Gobbledygook
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

November 2, 2006
Data Essentials: How to Build and Manage Your Marketing Database
Pegg Nadler shows you how to find and nurture the best data for targeted campaigns.

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Call to Action: Powerful Formulas for Boosting E-Commerce Conversion Rates
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Thomas Ordahl
To Innovate—Break a Rule

Innovation seems so unmanageable—more akin to the artist searching for a muse than a business process. We dive into the "fuzzy front-end" of product development hoping that by talking to customers or anticipating trends we will find that source of inspiration, that flash of insight.

Here's a different suggestion: Break a rule! Do something that disrupts a fundamental tenet of your market or industry.

Get the full story.

Sheila Mello
Marketing's Role in Creating Products That Sell Themselves

Since marketers first entered the boardroom as CMOs, companies have recognized the strategic value of marketing. Often, sadly, that recognition has not been translated into quantifiable business success.

But there is a way to magnify the strategic value of marketing and simplify marketers' jobs in the process. All it requires is that marketing take an early and active role in defining the company's product portfolio.

Get the full story.

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Blaire Borthayre
Recruiting Spanish-Speaking Employees as a Competitive Advantage

In today's workforce, employees who are Spanish speakers give companies a competitive advantage.

Smart companies do not put the cart before the horse: They build an infrastructure of Hispanic employees before advertising to Hispanic market segments.

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Get additional insight into reaching the Hispanic marketplace. Click this button to view the Marketing to Hispanics Benchmark Survey Results.

Note: Benchmark Survey Results are available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll
Marketing Challenge: Two Ways to Stop Web-Design Meddlers

This week, readers offer ways to sift through executive-level advice and keep potential Web design meddlers in check.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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