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Vol. 5 , No. 45     November 7, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. Are You a Marketing Champion?
  2. The Power of a Great New Product: How LeBron James Rescued the NBA Brand
  3. Hollywood Tie-ins: How to Avoid a Horror Show
  4. By Example—How Marketing Paves the Way to VOC Leadership
  5. Sales Secrets of an Interactive Biz-Dev Guy (Part 1): Cold-Calling for Fun and Profit
  6. Eight Ways Big Brands Screw up Search—A Case Study:
  7. Retail Trends 2007: Beauty, Fashion... China


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Premium Content

Roy Young, Allen Weiss, and David Stewart
Are You a Marketing Champion?

Marketing is the engine of any enterprise. Yet marketing is often underutilized. We find marketing practitioners frustrated at not being able to make the essential contributions to their company's success that they are capable of—and ideally positioned to provide. Peer managers and members of the executive team have difficulty articulating how, precisely, the marketing function can help the organization grow and meet its strategic objectives. Equally troubling, marketers themselves face a challenge in describing the value of their work in terms that other executives understand. Put simply, marketers struggle to master the language of business.

Marketers must champion marketing in order to surmount such obstacles—to deliver their promised value so that they and their companies can reap the benefits. Here's what we mean... .

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Alan Sharavsky
The Power of a Great New Product: How LeBron James Rescued the NBA Brand

How did the NBA overcome the 1999 retirement of Michael Jordan and a variety of black eyes that might have doomed a lesser brand? It launched and supported a new product—one by the name of LeBron James.

The NBA's resurgence is a classic example of the power of a new product. But we're getting ahead of ourselves; the story begins with the bad old days, and it ends with some takeaways you can apply to your own brand.

Get the full story.

Stephen Denny
Hollywood Tie-ins: How to Avoid a Horror Show

You can do Hollywood tie-ins right. It just takes nerves of steel, the ability to say no to a lot of very charming people, and a ton of planning. But you will live to fight another day if you follow this prescription... .

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Psst! Wanna Be Interviewed?

Do you have a campaign you'd like to highlight with readers, complete with lessons you could share? If so, MarketingProfs would love to hear from you.

We are looking to build a library of original case studies that highlights the nuts and bolts of what works in marketing, and we'd love to start with stories from the MarketingProfs community.

We'd like to interview you about your campaign, program or effort, get a sense of the results, and share it with our readers through an MP-written case study that highlights your company. The focus of the case study should be a marketing program, but it can be online or offline, of any shape or form. PR agents are welcome to contact us on behalf of clients as well, but please be sure the client is available for interview.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Email story ideas to me at The MarketingProfs community has always been so wonderfully responsive... I'm looking forward to the extra mail already!

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Three Steps for Defending Your Strategy and Winning Budget Battles
  2. Marketing Strategy Is the Foundation for Business Success
  3. Profile of a Marketing Champion: Unilever's Silvia Lagnado
  4. To Innovate—Break a Rule
  5. Marketing Challenge: Two Ways to Stop Web-Design Meddlers
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

November 9, 2006
Boosting E-Commerce Conversion Rates with Persuasion Scenarios
Bryan Eisenberg explains how to fix the holes in your online buying process.

November 16, 2006
Hispanic Marketing 101
Blaire Borthayre tells how to tap into this large, underserved demographic.


Promise Phelon
By Example—How Marketing Paves the Way to VOC Leadership

It may be bold. It may be controversial. But the author is convinced the following will prove true: Without customer-centricity, or a role in gathering and interpreting the voice of the customer, marketing will become nothing more than the execution arm of companies.

There are signs of this everywhere....

Get the full story.

Find out how others use VOC in their businesses. Click here to view the B-to-B Voice of the Customer Benchmark Survey Results.

Note: Benchmark Survey Results are available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.

Kevin Arthur
Sales Secrets of an Interactive Biz-Dev Guy (Part 1): Cold-Calling for Fun and Profit

If you're able to just snap your fingers and make work appear on command, more power to you. If not, and you ever find yourself having to do some sales, what follows are some musings from a business development department about preparation, organization, getting and staying in touch, and keeping it all going... .

Get the full story.

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Wil Reynolds
Eight Ways Big Brands Screw up Search—A Case Study:

Overall, big brands typically screw up search in two big ways, and Nike is no different... .

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Patricia Pao
Retail Trends 2007: Beauty, Fashion... China

Next year will bring major shifts in beauty, especially organics, and fashion as consumers take more control over all aspects of their harried lives. Interestingly, growth will come from non-traditional sources... .

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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