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Vol. 5 , No. 16     April 18, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. An Insider's Look at Marketing to Women: Lessons Learned from Home Depot, McDonald's, Nike...
  2. Customers in Captivity—Debunking the Loyalty Program Myth
  3. What Every CMO Should Know About SEO
  4. Brand Transformation: When (and How) to Revitalize a Brand
  5. The Decision to Buy
  6. Leveraging Customer Feedback in 'Coproduction Experiences'
  7. Marketing Challenge: Playing the Name Game

Exact Target

2006 Trends & iPod Referral

UPDATED FOR 2006! Precision email solutions company, ExactTarget, works with over 3,000 companies including Home Depot, Honeywell, and Scotts. They’re offering a brand new whitepaper, "10 EMAIL TRENDS FOR 2006", including insight on relevance, frequency, design and more. If that isn’t enough, ExactTarget offers a REFERRAL PROGRAM with drawings for Video iPod's!

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Premium Content

Terri Whitesel
An Insider's Look at Marketing to Women: Lessons Learned from Home Depot, McDonald's, Nike...

With four years of women's marketing history behind us, Fara Warner's must-read "The Power of the Purse" now takes us past the "could, should and what ifs" of marketing to women. Warner gives an insider's look into the planning, execution, and results of transformational programs undertaken at McDonald's, Home Depot, Procter & Gamble, DeBeers Group, Kodak, Nike and Avon, among others.

Also, read about the perils that a top brand can face when it fails to really listen to the changing trends affecting women's self-perception—in this case, the dethroning of Barbie by the newcomer Bratz doll.

Get the full story.

Need to know more? Play the recording of our seminar: "Reach the Big Spenders: How to Market to Women 50-75."

Note: This article and recording are available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


Best Practices for Software Demos: Free Webcast
Software demonstrations aren't known for their entertainment value, but they don't have to be boring. Join us for a 30-minute webcast to learn how to turn your dull demonstration into a winner. You’ll learn how to engage and capture your audience in the first 6 minutes.
Click here to register now.

Jeanne Bliss
Customers in Captivity—Debunking the Loyalty Program Myth

The gig is up. Your customers think it's simply too much work to reap the benefits of a "loyalty program."

So here's the classic experience customers have with loyalty programs. After reading this, how loyal would you be? Scratch that. After reading this, how much of this makes you downright exhausted and inclined not to buy from a company that makes you jump through such hoops?

Get the full story.

Todd Miechiels
What Every CMO Should Know About SEO

Too often, companies ignore search optimization simply because senior management does not understand it well enough to provide the necessary leadership and support.

And if top management does not view it as priority, marketing and sales people are disinclined to pursue it. They will apply traditional, "accepted" tactics, shying away from one of the most efficient, measurable ways to get in front of prospects.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Are No Good Domains Still Available?

You have a wicked cool idea for a new business, or you're about to conquer the world with a thus-far-unnamed killer software app. All you need is that perfect domain name for a Web site. You summon GoDaddy and begin a futile search for clever names and their many variations— they're all registered. They're taken. Gone.

Are no good domain names still available?

Actually, no—they aren't. Poynter's Al Tompkins points to a fun little discussion of domains (and some interesting analysis, too) by Dennis Forbes at, a Canadian software development/IT consulting outfit.

"Given that there are approximately 50 million .COM domains registered, it is indeed true that many domain names are taken, and your chances of lucking upon an unnoticed available three-letter acronym (TLA!) are close to zero," writes Forbes in his analysis, "Interesting Facts About Domain Names."

In fact, there are now so many registered domain names that every two- or three-letter combination and every two- or three-letter combination with four numeric digits is spoken for, he writes.

If you want one of the 676 possible two-letter sequences, for instance, for an acronym or abbreviation, you're out of luck: They're all taken. Even allowing for including digits, giving 1,296 combinations, again every single variation is taken. (Of course, that's ignoring the fact that .COM registrars now mandate a 3-character minimum length, so it wouldn't be an option anyway.)

Forbes further notes:

  • Of the 17,576 possible three-letter sequences, every single one is already taken. Adding digits to the mix, giving 46,656 permutations, results in a false hope of 228 seemingly open domains, yet they aren't actually available (e.g., they're on hold).

  • The most popular male, female and family names listed by the U.S. Census are all also taken.

So what's a would-be business owner to do?

Well, you could produce a nonsensical name. (yafla, anyone...?) You could haggle with domain speculators. Or you could merely enjoy the analysis.... Indeed: Forbes has a sense of humor about his geekiness. You might like his "Domain Name Analysis - More Fascinating But Entirely Useless Charts."

Enjoy! Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

PS: I can't let a week go by without directing your cursor over to my newest baby, the MarketingProfs Daily Fix. I'm not sure if I truly love this blog or whether I am just obsessed with it. Whatever. Either way, please stop by and check it out. And tell me what you think of it: I encourage feedback. Okay, okay...I admittedly *thrive* on it!


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. How to Quadruple the Results of Your Tradeshow Marketing
  2. Five Lessons From the Netflix Startup Story
  3. How to Create a Successful Business Blog: 9 Steps to Implementing
  4. The Surprising Secret of Successful Differentiation
  5. Brands Matter in B2B Markets
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

April 27, 2006
Marketing's Role
as Chief Customer Officer

Presenter: Jeanne Bliss will draw on first-hand experience at top companies like Lands End and Microsoft to describe the role that marketers must take on as the enterprise leader for customers.

May 11 , 2006
Marketing Research the Guerilla Way
Robert Kaden, author of Guerrilla Marketing Research, presents tools to develop action-oriented research and guidelines for stretching your research budget.


Ted Mininni
Brand Transformation: When (and How) to Revitalize a Brand

When should companies allow declining, aging brands to finish their life cycles? When should they opt to revitalize them?

There are hard questions for companies in view of fast-changing consumer demands, increasing global competition, and diminishing awareness of heritage brands among younger consumers.

Get the full story.

For more on this subject, please click this button to download our Marketing Guide: Branding and Brand Equity.

Note: This Marketing Guide is available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.

Jeff Thull
The Decision to Buy

How often has a sale been lost after we believed the customer clearly understood their problem and would make a logical, quality decision?

Get the full story.

Austin lawrence

Predict Survey Results and Win up to $1,000!

Think you’re a marketing expert? Test yourself against the best in the Directions Research America Says Survey Contest. Win $1,000 for first place and $500 for second place by proving you know how average Americans will answer interesting and entertaining questions in the next America Says survey.

It’s fun and easy to play. Visit here and click on the contest. Even if you don’t win, Directions Research can help you with your next marketing challenge. Click here to learn more about us.

Peter C. Honebein
Leveraging Customer Feedback in 'Coproduction Experiences'

As marketers, we are continually investing in strategies that set customer expectations about how our goods and services will perform. Through advertising, sales meetings, product demonstrations, and so on, we craft a message that we think clearly sets a compelling vision.

But so often, that vision focuses only on the goals and expectations of the customer relationship. You also need to think about the feedback component, letting your customers know how they are doing as they use your goods and services.

Get the full story.

Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll
Marketing Challenge: Playing the Name Game

Companies sometimes have two names: the company name and the brand name. This week: How do you find a dream name for a company or product?

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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