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Vol. 5 , No. 23     June 6, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. Managing the Risky Business of Marketing
  2. The 'Tail' of the Headline: Rethinking the Call to Action
  3. Wired for Winning Loyalty
  4. Ethical SEO and Competitor Monitoring
  5. Keys to Branding Your Small Business
  6. Segment Your Markets: Three Steps to Maximize Profits
  7. So You've Targeted the Hispanic Market, But Can You Service It?

Exact Target

2006 Trends &
iPod Referral

UPDATED FOR 2006! Precision email solutions company, ExactTarget, works with over 3,000 companies including Home Depot, Honeywell, and Scotts. They’re offering a brand new whitepaper, “10 EMAIL TRENDS FOR 2006," including insight on relevance, frequency, design and more. If that isn’t enough, ExactTarget offers a REFERRAL PROGRAM with drawings for Video iPods!

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Premium Content

Wayde Fleener
Managing the Risky Business of Marketing

Marketing is a risky business. Despite all the efforts at market and product research, customers are hard to read, and they don't always respond to offers the way marketers expect them to. It's probably no coincidence that CMOs have the shortest average job tenure among all C-level executives, according to executive search firm Spencer Stuart. Risky business, indeed.

But it doesn't have to be that way. By borrowing risk analysis techniques from the investment and risk management world, it is possible for marketers to gain control.

Read the full story.

Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


Blow Away the Response of Your Last Campaign

If you knew the secrets behind a letter like this,
you could double your chances of
beating your targeted response rate...

Nick Usborne
The 'Tail' of the Headline: Rethinking the Call to Action

After taking a huge amount of trouble to optimize a sales page on our sites, all too often we finish the page with a button that says something like this: Add to Cart, Add to Basket or Add to Shopping Cart.

Is that really the best we can do?

Read the full story.

Jill Griffin
Wired for Winning Loyalty

The wired world is brimming with purchase potential and it's high time to answer the call. Are you harnessing wired (and wireless) innovations to woo prospective buyers?

See how each of the following five firms are using wired solutions to address the multi-stage challenges of growing loyal customers.

Read the full story.


A Note to Readers

Women With Nothing to Say?

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post on the MarketingProfs Daily Fix, in which I wondered: Why don't more women comment more on blogs...? Some of those who commented back suggested that maybe women don’t read as many blogs as men do, or they don’t read business blogs.

Of course, that was pure conjecture, since those commenting had read my post on... well, a blog. So now I’m raising in the newsletter the same issue I raised on the blog: Where are all the women?

Since we launched the MarketingProfs Daily Fix, I've been reading a lot more blogs more closely. I've noticed an overwhelming number of male "commenters," but far fewer female commenters. Evidence purely anecdotal, and from a single observer.

Just for kicks, I checked the Daily Fix blog stats. At the time that I checked, 447 comments had been left on 191 blog entries (posted by 33 authors) and on 647 news stories. Of those 447 comments, 50 were from me, so I eliminated them off the top since... well, it's my baby, so of course I'm extra chatty and involved.

So, of the 397 remaining comments, about 134 were from women. I say "about," because some judgment calls were involved: I based my unscientific research on the implied gender of a commenter's first name.

Anyway, at that point, 33.75 percent of the Daily Fix commenters were female and 66.25 percent male—that's a 1:1.96 ratio of male to female commenter, close to 1:2. In other words, two male commenters for every female commenter.

I know—so what? Well, there is a point to this. Andrea Learned, who writes for this blog as well as her own, has long said that women in general are less linear and more "connective."

So I'm wondering... if women are less linear, and blogs (and their billions of offshoots, side conversations, and tangential links) make them about as un-linear as content gets, why aren't more women into them? And if women are so connective, and blogs are so connective, why wouldn't women be chiming in more?

It's possible that women are reading blogs but aren't commenting on what they read. Or it's possible, as my friend Mack says, women are commenting in spades on some blogs but not on others.

But, in either case, why do blog comments appear to be dominated by men? I’d love to hear your thoughts. You can email me, or—even better—post your comments here.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Do Intentions Really Predict Behavior?
  2. A Crash Course for Marketers on Google's New Trend Tool
  3. The Next Generation of Web Analytics
  4. Marketing Challenge: Intercepting the Sales vs. Marketing Rift
  5. Beware of Black Hat SEO
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

June 8 , 2006
Demystifying Web Site Usability Research: Getting Past Focus Groups
Kelly Goto describes the basics of informal testing, as a more accurate alternative to surveys and focus groups.

June 29, 2006
The New Rules of PR: How to Use Press Releases to Reach Buyers Directly
The Web has changed PR. David Meerman Scott will explain how to develop a direct-to-consumer PR strategy.


Scott Buresh
Ethical SEO and Competitor Monitoring

Once its Web site is released into the wild, a company measures how its site fares against all the other Web sites out there, whether the other sites are using ethical SEO tactics or not. The assumption is often that the company has zero control over what appears in search engine results.

However, this is not usually the case.

Read the full story.

See our data on a related topic. Click this button to view and filter the SEO Benchmark Survey Results.

Note: Benchmark Survey Results are available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.

Jay Lipe
Keys to Branding Your Small Business

Pay dear attention to your branding programs from the outset, because they work to strengthen the link of trust between your company and its buyers.

Read the full story.

For more on this subject, please click this button to download our Marketing Guide: Branding and Brand Equity.

Note: This Marketing Guide is available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.

Steve Bassill
Segment Your Markets: Three Steps to Maximize Profits

Does your segmentation strategy begin by identifying a business opportunity and go all the way to customer adoption behavior, or does it fall short?

To increase sales and profits, use the following three levels of segmentation.

Read the full story.

Terry Beltran-Miller
So You've Targeted the Hispanic Market, But Can You Service It?

The emphasis that a company places on Hispanic customer services can build or break the relationship—especially a market that is brand-oriented.

Read the full story.

Check out our data on a related topic. Click this button to view and filter the Marketing to Hispanics Benchmark Survey Results.

Note: Benchmark Survey Results are available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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