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Vol. 5 , No. 30     July 25, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. Corporate Philanthropy That Fits All: How Any Business Can Do Good—and Benefit
  2. Is Your Company a Customer Survey Score Whore?
  3. The High-Tech Marketing/Business Model Boot Camp: Give Me That Thing Called Love
  4. How Multichannel Marketing Is a Lot Like the County Fair
  5. Is There Value in Your Value Proposition?
  6. The Real Opportunity in Developing and Emerging Markets
  7. Beyond the Elevator Pitch: A High-Credibility Conversation

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Premium Content

Elaine Fogel
Corporate Philanthropy That Fits All: How Any Business Can Do Good—and Benefit

The precedent-setting commitment of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates to charitable work is bringing corporate philanthropy to the forefront. After many years of corporate scandals and Sarbanes-Oxley news, the tipping point has arrived.

Corporate philanthropy is good—both for business and the nonprofits that benefit from it. And the better news is... you don't have to be in big business to do it.

Get the full story.

Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


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Jeanne Bliss
Is Your Company a Customer Survey Score Whore?

Is your commitment to customers real? Or are you merely jockeying for position on the latest customer scoreboard?

Get the full story.

Find out how other companies make sure they are truly customer-driven with our B-to-B Voice of the Customer Benchmark Survey Results.

Note: Benchmark Survey Results are available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.

Nilofer Merchant
The High-Tech Marketing/Business Model Boot Camp: Give Me That Thing Called Love

Do your customers look at your products with the same eager anticipation as they once did? Have your customers stayed "married" to you? Would you consider them still in love—or waiting it out until someone better comes along?

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

All About the Customer Service Score?

Greetings, discerning readers.

Regular MarketingProfs contributor and Daily Fix contributor Jeanne Bliss has a great piece in today’s newsletter asking, “Are you a customer service score whore?”

Jeanne’s query happens to be near to my own heart at the moment. This past week I had representatives from two different companies in two very different industries attempt to massage my own “user experience” – seemingly to jack up their customer service ratings with headquarters.

One happened at my local car dealership, where I had taken my car for servicing. As I was paying the bill, the guy taking my credit card commented something like, “Thanks for coming in today. And I hope that you’ll give us an 'Excellent' rating with the Carmaker Corporate Office. If we didn’t earn an ‘Excellent’ service rating from you today, please tell us how we can earn it now.” Then he stared directly at me -- his eyes pleading.

OK, it didn’t go precisely like that. I forget his exact words, but that was the essence of the exchange. Something similar happened later in the week, after I had upgraded my TiVo serice.

I hold no ill will toward the customer service people themselves -– the truth is, they were earnest people, and they were only doing their jobs. But something is wrong when the brass ring isn’t the customer service – it’s the score itself.

It’s a little like going to school to get an A, not to expand your thinking and actually learn a thing or two. Of course, we’ve all taken courses just to score a grade. But Jeanne offers up some great advice on how to get beyond that limited thinking.

Check it out – and please let me know what you think. As always, your feedback is both welcome and appreciated.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer and Keeper of the Blog


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Avoiding Customer Efforts That Crash and Burn: Straight Talk From 'Chief Customer Officer'
  2. Marketing Challenge: Three Magical Marketing Metrics
  3. Don't Worry About Your Competition (Let Them Worry About You)
  4. Organic SEO—What Does It Really Mean?
  5. How to Create Effective Brand-Driven Entertainment Content for the Web
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  1. Richmond Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau
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Kevin Hillstrom
How Multichannel Marketing Is a Lot Like the County Fair

Today's multichannel catalog/online environment is a lot like the summer county fair. In fact, there are some surprisingly apt comparisons.

Get the full story.

Denise Shiffman
Is There Value in Your Value Proposition?

With all the emphasis these days on getting your message out using online media, we simply forget to focus on how to develop the right message. Many a company goes to market without having fully defined its customer value proposition.

Don't make that mistake.

Get the full story.

Need more ideas about how to align your marketing messages with your sales team? See Sales & Marketing Alignment Benchmark Report.

Note: Benchmark Reports are available to paid members only. Get more information or sign up here.


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Gunjan Anurag and Kiran Murthi
The Real Opportunity in Developing and Emerging Markets

Emerging economies are home to 84% of the global population and account for almost half the world's production. What's more, these regions are home to relatively inexperienced (and apparently, therefore, impressionable) populations and potentially high purchasing power.

Clearly, this represents a real opportunity if there ever was one. Or does it?

Get the full story.

Jeff Thull
Beyond the Elevator Pitch: A High-Credibility Conversation

Your initial contact with a prospective customer leaves little margin for error. The first conversation is the most critical and least forgiving point of the entire sales process.

Within the first 20 seconds you must simultaneously establish relevance and credibility—or you will be dismissed as just more marketing noise in the relentless barrage of sellers looking for attention.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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