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Vol. 5 , No. 33     August 15, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. 'Value' Does Not Equal Low Price: How to Deliver Real Value to Your Customers
  2. Telling Ain't Selling
  3. Six Ways to Turn Techno-babble Into Commanding Copy
  4. Ten Effective SEO Design Tips (to Impress Visitors—and Search Engines)
  5. E-books: A Hip and Stylish Younger Sibling to the Nerdy Whitepaper
  6. High Tech Marketing/Business Model Boot Camp, Part 3: Building a Strong(er) Ecosystem
  7. Marketing to the MySpace Generation (and the Economics of Social Networking), Part 2 of 2


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Ed Hellenbeck
'Value' Does Not Equal Low Price: How to Deliver Real Value to Your Customers

Every day, we are reminded that providing value to customers is a surefire route to success. True enough. But do you know what that really means?

The concept of customer value has been around for over 20 years, and many books and articles have been written about it. Yet its growth in popularity has also been accompanied by frequent misunderstandings and spotty application. Here we revisit the customer value concept, review a common misunderstanding about customer value, and present a comprehensive definition that both synthesizes existing research and serves as a model for delivering higher levels of value to your customers.

Let's start with a misunderstanding.

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Each year marketers lose up to a quarter of their email house list addresses to churn. Despite these losses, many succeed at actually increasing the size of their lists. How are they managing to add more recipients than they lose?

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Abhay Padgaonkar
Telling Ain't Selling

A fundamental question in selling is not why people sell, but why people buy.

People buy for their own reasons—not for the seller's. In fact, their motivation to buy may have very little to do with the reasons sellers think they should buy. When it comes down to it, people buy something to meet their needs or resolve the problems they are facing.

A good sales professional can help customers come to that realization. But it doesn't happen as easily as you might think.

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Jonathan Kranz
Six Ways to Turn Techno-babble Into Commanding Copy

For marketers, technologically sophisticated products and services pose a special problem—translating the technical talk that engineers love into the plain talk customers need and will act upon.

From the depths of my experience with bits, bytes, high-voltage devices and semi-toxic chemical compounds, we offer a few suggestions that will help you turn good science into compelling marketing copy.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

Should Marketers Blog?

Last week on the MarketingProfs Daily Fix, contributor Mario Sundar devised his list of Top 10 CMO blogs. What's more, he argued, it's "imperative for CMOs/VPs of Marketing to blog, since they are expected to be the voice of the company."

But yesterday, the loveably cantankerous Roy Young responded with something like... "Yeah, right." But seriously, here's his post: Should CMOs Blog?

In Roy's view, "Blogging doesn't get marketers to the executive suite and won't keep them there....

"What elevates the influence and business impact of marketers is driving the CEO's agenda for top line and bottom line growth. A blog, regardless of how widely read, is unlikely to deliver revenues and profits, neither in the short-term nor in the long-term."

"Blogs," Roy says, "are another communications medium, and C-suite marketers who are focused on communications do not stay in the position very long." CMOs, he says, are not concerned solely with getting the word out about the organization's products and services. CMOs are most concerned with creating and keeping customers for cash flow now and in the future.

Finally, he adds, "Is it surprising that these CMOs do not blog or even comment on blog posts? They are busy with other things more directly connected to cash flow."

To Roy's question: Should all CMOs be blogging? I honestly don't know....which is why I asked that same question in my response to Mario's original post. I'm not sure anyone can really have the answer, at least yet. But my guess is -- probably not, because not all CMOs likely have the temperament for it.

But at the same time, I wouldn't think it wise for CMOs (or any executive, for that matter) to ignore blogging or brush it off as a less-than-legitimate means of reaching or listening to customers.

As Ed Hellenbeck writes in today’s Top Story:

"Customer-focused companies are led by management that is deeply committed to providing competitively superior customer value. These leaders demonstrate their commitment to providing higher levels of value by spending a significant amount of time with customers."

Leaders like Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, and Cisco's John Chambers spend (or spent) a third of their time with customers. Such leadership behavior "sends a distinct message to the organization that all employees should focus on providing customers with higher levels of value," Hellenbeck writes.

And no -- Hellenbeck isn't talking about blogs, exclusively. But why ignore such an opportunity? Why shut a direct window to your customers?

I'd love to hear your take. Please check out Roy's post and let me know what you think, either by commenting directly on the post or via email.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer
MarketingProfs &
MarketingProfs Daily Fix


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Nine Summertime Marketing Tips to Boost Yearend Sales
  2. Marketing to the MySpace Generation (and the Economics of Social Networking), Part 1 of 2
  3. Are You a Candidate for 'Stressed-out' Marketing?
  4. Why and How to Create a Voice of the Customer Program
  5. Marketing Challenge: When Branding Equals Loyalty
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Barry Fenning
Ten Effective SEO Design Tips (to Impress Visitors—and Search Engines)

If your visitors like your Web site, there is a very good likelihood that the search engines will, too.

With this in mind, the following 10 tips focus on how to develop your site with your visitors in mind, and also effectively conduct search engine optimization.

Get the full story.

David Meerman Scott
E-books: A Hip and Stylish Younger Sibling to the Nerdy Whitepaper

Done well, e-books deliver authentic thought leadership, branding an organization as one to do business with.

Here are some examples of successful e-books to get your creative energy flowing....

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Nilofer Merchant
High Tech Marketing/Business Model Boot Camp, Part 3: Building a Strong(er) Ecosystem

In grade school, one of the key determinants of popularity on the playground was how quickly you were selected when the time came to choose up sides for basketball, baseball, or soccer. In the same way, the developing business model for the next 10 years depends hugely on which set of developer and ecosystem partners pick you.

However, unlike grade school, you might have more ability to influence this selection.

Get the full story.

Cliff Kurtzman
Marketing to the MySpace Generation (and the Economics of Social Networking), Part 2 of 2

In Part 1 of this two-part article, the author looked at how MySpace (and the social networking industry in general) has evolved. Here in the second part, Cliff examines how he has applied what he has learned and observed to the MyCityRocks testbed, which he launched in Houston in 2005.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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