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Vol. 5 , No. 39     September 26, 2006


In this Newsletter:

  1. Five Advanced Web Writing Secrets
  2. The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—No. 2: Using Metrics That Don't Matter to Top Management
  3. Bad Things Happen to Brands When Companies Run out of Ideas
  4. Virtual Worlds: The Next Realm in Advertising?
  5. The State of Search Engine Marketing: Trends and Predictions
  6. High Tech Marketing/Business Model Boot Camp: Stepping up to the Microphone (Part 6 of 6)
  7. Stretching the Truth Online Has Never Been Easier


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Premium Content

Jonathan Kranz
Five Advanced Web Writing Secrets

After months of work and weariness, your company Web site is designed, search-engine optimized, and packed with rich, interesting content. The building blocks are all in place. Your next challenge is to tweak the structure you have to attract more of the business you want to get.

The following are five simple yet powerful ways to squeeze even more value from the site you've invested in. Most can be accomplished with a simple text editor, such as Contribute; almost off of them exploit content you've already created. Yet they can all make a substantial contribution to your site's success.

Get the full story.

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Roy Young
The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—No. 2: Using Metrics That Don't Matter to Top Management

As a marketer, you have no shortage of metrics at your disposal—including brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and ad readership, to name just a few. But your CEO and CFO, as well as your firm's shareholders, care less about these metrics than they do about others—particularly cash flow.

Here are the right metrics to use to communicate marketing's real value.

Get the full story.

Tom Asacker
Bad Things Happen to Brands When Companies Run out of Ideas

Make no mistake about it: When companies run out of ideas, bad things happen to brands. Instead of differentiating their offerings with meaningful value-added features, like healthier and more flavorful products, time-saving recipes and packaging, or even emotive, associative value, marketers end up resorting to price cuts and special promotions.

Instead of taking a long-term view of customer value and growth in sales, earnings and new product development, their focus shifts to a short-term desire to grow market share with discounting and deal-making.

Get the full story.


A Note to Readers

We Want to Know What You Think

Have you ever wondered where those “benchmarks” everyone cites come from? Here's your chance to weigh in and be a Benchmark source.

We’re convening a panel of our members to participate in periodic surveys about issues that are central to the way you work and run your businesses or departments.

We’re calling the group the MarketingProfs Benchmarkers.

As part of this select panel, you will be our source for information about marketing trends happening right now. We'll also occasionally ask you for ideas about article topics or new products.

I would like to personally invite you to join this group. It’s not a huge time commitment — at most, we’ll contact you once a month. But it’s a great opportunity to contribute to MarketingProfs and share with your comrades in the marketing field.

Join the Benchmarkers panel today and become a special part of the MarketingProfs community.

Don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or comments.

Thanks in advance,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer and
Keeper of the Blog

p.s. Last week’s top post on the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog was a riff on annoying business marketing practices. Check it out here and leave your own two pesos. Thanks!


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Five Real-World Ways Businesses Are Marketing to Their Communities
  2. The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—Number 1: Merely Handing Off Leads to Sales
  3. The 10 Cs of Branding
  4. Strong Brands Always Have More Brand Credits Than Debits: A Starbucks Lesson
  5. Satisfying the 10 Cravings of a New Generation of Consumers (Part 2 of 2)
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  1. Benchmark Brands, Inc.
  2. Benchmark Brands, Inc.
  3. AchieveGlobal, Inc.
  4. Naval Research Laboratory
  5. Katey Charles Communications LLC
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  7. Nature Technologies, Inc.
  8. Adobe Systems Inc.
  9. Leverage Software
  10. Ideaca
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Bill Nissim
Virtual Worlds: The Next Realm in Advertising?

What do Major League Baseball, Coca Cola, Well Forgo Bank, the W Hotel, and the American Cancer Society have in common? They all use a virtual realm to reach out to potential customers and supporters in novel ways.

Get the full story.

Scott Buresh
The State of Search Engine Marketing: Trends and Predictions

The search engine marketing industry is consistently evolving, sometimes at a pace that makes it hard to believe that search engine marketing services can stay on top of all the latest developments.

The one constant for search engine marketing firms, and for the industry in general, is change—usually for the better, sometimes for the worse, but almost always significant.

Get the full story.

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Nilofer Merchant
High Tech Marketing/Business Model Boot Camp: Stepping up to the Microphone (Part 6 of 6)

Can you imagine what it would be like to charge 20-200% more than your competitor and own market category dominance?

This final part of the Boot Camp series focuses on ways your organization can increase its economic power.

Get the full story.

Hesh Reinfeld
Stretching the Truth Online Has Never Been Easier

The author doesn't own a Blackberry. But his clients don't know that. They're impressed when they receive an email from him with the tag line: Sent from a BlackBerry wireless handheld. It shows that he's available 24/7 and always responsive to their every need.

Is he lying? Literally, yes. However, in the world of business we are always stretching the truth to impress our customers, right? Read Hesh's lighter view of the business world.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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