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Vol. 6 , No. 41     October 9, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. How to Size and Build a Sales Territory
  2. Round Four of the MarketingProfs Book Club: Q&A With 'Robin Hood Marketing' Author
  3. Which Comes First: The Policy or the Blog?
  4. Fueling the Engine of Sales Success: Five Keys to Sustainable Self-Motivation
  5. Killer Web Content Examples
  6. Breaking News: Advertising Is Dead!
  7. Partnership Brand Marketing—It's About Distribution Channels


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Premium Content

Bob Howard
How to Size and Build a Sales Territory

Companies should (and can!) implement a sustainable, consistent telephone-prospecting program to develop a "sales territory" using an approach that sales reps will actually adopt.

If telephone prospecting controls the destiny of your business, you should investigate a better way to control your telephone prospecting. Start here with a strategy for territory development.

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Christina Kerley
Round Four of the MarketingProfs Book Club: Q&A With 'Robin Hood Marketing' Author

The MarketingProfs Book Club is back with a book that does a lot of good for just causes… by outright stealing know-how from big brands (Robin Hood, anyone?).

In "Robin Hood Marketing," Katya Andresen shows you how to sell your cause or mission as successfully as the great marketing minds of corporate America sell their products. The Robin Hood Rules "steal" from the winning formulas that sell everything from socks, cigarettes and mattresses to help show nonprofit marketers how to appeal to their audiences' values and get people to take notice.

Get the full story.

C.B. Whittemore
Which Comes First: The Policy or the Blog?

Should a marketer simply start blogging or wait instead until all of the blogging policies and procedures are established before beginning?

In other words: Which comes first -- the policy or the blog?

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How an International Beer Co. Keeps Its Brand Distinctive and Fresh

A Note to Readers

Highlights from Chicago

In a word: WOW!

Our inaugural conference in Chicago last week went off without a hitch (well, mostly…). And what’s more, it was full of learning, networking, and lots of fun.

If you were there, I hope I got to meet you. If you weren’t… well, hope to see you next time. And in the meantime, enjoy are some highlights from Chicago, via:

Have You Googled Yourself?

Candids from attendees

...with William Arruda
...and Chip Heath

Blog posts…
On the MarketingProfs Daily Fix

News Coverage… B2B Online

…and, finally, a contest:
Win free coffee for a year!

Look for news soon of our 2008 lineup. Thanks, all!

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

PS: Sign up to be the first to receive updates on upcoming MarketingProfs conferences.


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Eight Things to Do Right Now to Get More out of LinkedIn
  2. Web Site Creation and the Eye of the Spider
  3. Selling Professional Services? It's All About Leverage
  4. MP Classic: Three Steps to Great Copy
  5. A Web Site Without Video Is Like...
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How to Advertise on a Modest Budget
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David McNally
Fueling the Engine of Sales Success: Five Keys to Sustainable Self-Motivation

Beaten down by a constant stream of customer "No's," some salespeople find it difficult to pick themselves up and jump back in the game. But there are other salespeople whose motivation and resilience enable them to make every customer call as enthusiastically as if it were the first.

For the majority of us who, perhaps, fall somewhere in the middle, there is an opportunity to increase "motivational intelligence" by keeping in mind five simple principles.

Get the full story.

Gerry McGovern
Killer Web Content Examples

Out of 18 choices, why does one piece of content get 49% of the vote while another gets 0%?

Get the full story.

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Barry A. Densa
Breaking News: Advertising Is Dead!

Advertising is dead. Consumers have been over-advertised to and over-sold.

So what's a marketer to do?

Get the full story.

Gregory J. Pollack
Partnership Brand Marketing—It's About Distribution Channels

Today many companies and brands are engaging in "Partnership Marketing," "Marketing Alliances," "Strategic Partnerships," and even "Partnership Brand Marketing" programs. But often they boil down to just promotions, perhaps maybe even on a larger scale.

But the true success of partnership brand marketing lies in its power to open up new and alternative channels of distribution for both the companies and the brands involved.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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