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Vol. 6 , No. 8     February 20, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Three Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy When You Screw Up
  2. The Personal Brand Champion of the World
  3. MySpace Marketing Tips, Tricks, and Hints
  4. The Real Story Behind the Success of Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty
  5. First National Bank of Cappuccino? The Experience Economy Gathers Steam
  6. How to Get the Free Press You Want
  7. Give Your Sales Reps an Unfair Advantage—Train Your Prospective Customers


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Elaine Fogel
Three Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy When You Screw Up

Glitches happen and setbacks occur when we deal with customers—they're as inevitable as death and taxes. The key to retaining these customers when an error occurs is handling them right from the start.

Whether your company or organization delivers products, services, or promises... its credibility and reputation is on the line when you don't deliver what you say you will, and when. There's no magic pill to averting these situations, but you can be proactive in redeeming yourself and retaining customers when things go wrong.

Here are three ways to keep your customers when you can't deliver.

Get the full story.

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Nick Wreden
The Personal Brand Champion of the World

He could stop traffic in Moscow, Tokyo, Nairobi, Shanghai, and Mumbai. Kings, presidents, and prime ministers worldwide would take his call. He outshines Madonna, Mick Jagger, and Meryl Streep. Although it has been more than 25 years since he occupied center stage, he is the world's greatest personal brand. He is the incomparable Muhammad Ali.

Ali's boxing record is the stuff of legend, and boxing has never been the same since he retired. But just as interesting are the lessons his life holds for developing your own personal brand.

Get the full story.

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Luke J. Bodley
MySpace Marketing Tips, Tricks, and Hints

Luke runs MySpace marketing campaigns on a daily basis.

Here, he shares his real-world experiences and tips, including the best way to leverage MySpace to zero in on your target market.

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
B2B Specialty Manufacturer's Integrated Marketing Yields 30% Annual Sales Growth Three Years Running

A Note to Readers

More 'Management by Walking Around'

Bill Marriott, Chairman & CEO of Marriott International, recently started blogging. He's not the first CEO to blog, and he's not the most visible, either. There are actually quite a few C-suite executives who blog (there's a wonderfully comprehensive list here).

But what I love about Bill's blog is that, as Organic's David Feldt puts it, "he has captured the true essence of what blogging is all about (telling stories, listening, learning, engaging in a dialog, nurturing the community and sharing one's passion) and I love reading his posts."

That last piece—"I love reading his posts"—is a vastly undervalued metric in blogging... or any kind of business communication, for that matter. There are a lot of business blogs that are... well, not all that compelling, because they feel like they are missing a critical component: a CEO who actually enjoys writing, and who loves hearing back from his "community."

Here's what Bill says about launching his blog:

"A year ago, I didn't even know what a blog was—until my Communications team began telling me about all the blog traffic on travel and tourism. Now I know this is where the action is if you want to talk to your customers directly—and hear back from them. Soon we'll add an audio version of the blog. That's how I'm most comfortable: telling stories and listening."

And here's why he thinks it's important:

"Blogging will allow me to do what I've been doing for years—on a global scale. Talking to the customer comes easily to me. I visit 250 hotels around the world every year. This year I'll be traveling once again to China where we have 27 hotels, 16 under construction and many more in our development pipeline. At every hotel, I talk to associates, from housekeepers to general managers, to get their feedback. I call it 'management by walking around.'"

I love his mention of the old saw "management by walking around," and I think it applies equally well to the effect that companies can have when they embrace blogging, podcasting, v-logging and other means to interact with customers, vendors and employees.

Check out Bill's blog, when you get a chance, and see if you agree.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer
Keeper of the Blog
MarketingProfs Daily Fix


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Just Do It: How to Create a Memorable Tagline
  2. Top 10 Online Marketing Predictions for 2007
  3. Six Classic Mistakes Email Newsletters Make
  4. Lies, Damn Lies, and Dashboards, Part 1: CRM Reporting and the Wrench in the Lead Machine
  5. Advertisers Continue to Miss the Mark With Women
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Marti Barletta
The Real Story Behind the Success of Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty

Contrary to popular opinion, Boomer women aren't in denial about aging. Advertisers are. And the women they're supposed to be trying to connect with are getting annoyed.

Get the full story.

Martin Thoma
First National Bank of Cappuccino? The Experience Economy Gathers Steam

Jim Carville popularized the phrase "It's the economy, stupid" in the first Clinton presidential campaign.

For the savviest brand managers and customer service organizations, now "It's the experience, stupid."

Get the full story.

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Doug Stern
How to Get the Free Press You Want

Experts say that free press is worth more, inch for inch, than paid advertising. That's because free press has the appearance of being a third-party endorsement of what you and your business have to say.

So what are the dos and don'ts? What can you do to enhance your chances of getting what you want... and avoiding or minimizing what you don't?

Get the full story.

David Rogelberg
Give Your Sales Reps an Unfair Advantage—Train Your Prospective Customers

Whenever people strive to buy a complex product, they want to learn as much as they can prior to talking with a sales rep. For example, people spend almost two months researching new cars online before ever stepping into a car showroom. Or they download user manuals for expensive cameras to study features before making purchasing decisions.

If they're doing that for cars and cameras, you can imagine how much time they are spending to learn about complex B2B products and services prior to giving your sales rep a call.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

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