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Vol. 6 , No. 6     February 6, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Ten Steps to Creating Your Own Podcast
  2. Q&A: PETA's 'Gorilla' Marketing Tactics
  3. Four Ways That the Best Newsletters Are Like Blogs
  4. The Difference Between B2B and B2C SEO (Yes, It Matters)
  5. How to Establish Sales Credibility: It's Not the Story You Tell, It's the Questions You Ask
  6. The Four Pillars of Successful Product Launches
  7. Casting a Wide Net for Leads? Here's How to Get Great Results

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Innovative Strategies for
Today's Marketing Challenges

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generating and sustaining business results in the
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Premium Content

Mack Collier
Ten Steps to Creating Your Own Podcast

Podcasting is a very powerful, yet misunderstood, form of social media. While listening to podcasts has become very popular in the last few years, the creation process still has some high hurdles, especially for listeners that are considering starting their own podcast.

The process of starting a podcast from a technical point of view can be cumbersome. This article will outline 10 steps to starting your own podcast that will help make this sometimes difficult process as painless as possible.

Get the full story.

Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


FREE Webinar

Marketing in the Google Era

Make your programs stand out and generate leads in the Google era of Web-based marketing. Join us on February 27
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Ann Handley
Q&A: PETA's 'Gorilla' Marketing Tactics

No matter how you feel about PETA, as an entity or a cause, you probably know its marketing. Even those don't admire it, in other words, are likely aware of it.

Pointed, outrageous, admired and criticized, PETA's messaging is the type that makes the audience sit up and take notice.

Get the full story.

Nick Usborne
Four Ways That the Best Newsletters Are Like Blogs

It may seem strange to compare an e-newsletter with a blog. But it's not so strange at all, because it wasn't long ago that we turned to online newsletters -- not static Web sites -- to find interesting, engaging, timely and topical news and information.

The best e-newsletters share many of the same qualities as good blogs. Here are four.

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How One Provocative Post on a Hewlett-Packard Blog Spread Worldwide

A Note to Readers

Happy Sixth Birthday!

Things have been so hectic here that I completely skipped our sixth birthday celebration last month. That's six years of publishing marketing know-how from professors and professionals who have contributed close to 2,000 articles on a wide range of evolving subjects—from email to Second Life and back to email again.

Here's our quick history: Publisher (and USC Prof) Allen Weiss launched MarketingProfs as a Web site in the spring of 2000. Soon, Allen was publishing a monthly newsletter. The lead story of the first newsletter, in fact, was a piece about the Gore/Bush catfight over balloting in Florida's West Palm Beach County presidential vote.

Two years later, when I was casting about for my next move post-ClickZ, I dropped Allen a note and volunteered to take the content piece off his hands. He didn't argue. In short order, we were joined by two very talented souls who remain cornerstones of the business today: Roy Young and Val Frazee.

Today, MarketingProfs has just over 230,000 subscribers, 15 employees, and more products than I have room to describe here.

It's hard to look back at the first incarnations of the Web site without sensing Allen's passion driving the site's development as it did. There's something exciting and addictive about a founder's enthusiasm. It makes for a creative and stimulating work environment. Paradoxically, though... the very engine that drives the growth of a startup ultimately changes it. As more and more individuals take on responsibility for pieces of the site, that passion gets dispersed a little. Rational process replaces winging it. Order replaces frenzy.

That's not to say that MP has lost its edge, or that creativity isn't still a driving huge factor. Far from it. In fact, we are knee-deep in several new efforts that we're psyched about unveiling later this year.

But in as much as looking back at history makes you realize where you are now, it's obvious that MarketingProfs as a company has matured. It's no longer a scrappy startup fighting for legitimacy and operating on a shoestring. Instead, we are an honest-to-goodness established business—true to our roots, but evolving our mission and the role we play in the marketing field worldwide.

So happy birthday to us—and thanks to all of you for making it the wizened six-year-old that it is today.

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

p.s. I cross-posted this birthday announcement on the MarketingProfs Daily Fix, our group blog. Feel free to leave a birthday greeting there, if you wish. (And I hope you do.)


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—No. 10: Failing to Be a Cash-Flow Leader
  2. Be All That You Can Be: The Company Persona and the Magic of 'Language Alignment'
  3. Clearing the Clutter—How Busy Marketers Can Get Things Done
  4. Marketing Challenge: Three Ways to Score With Search Engines
  5. Scent Branding: Smell of Success?
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  1. HSN-Home Shopping Network
  2. Navigant Consulting, Inc.
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  5. Paula's Choice
  6. Paula's Choice
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  8. Big Thinkers United
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

Thursday, February 8
Search Marketing Essentials for E-Commerce
Learn how to meet the organic and paid search challenges faced by online retailers.

Thursday, February 15
The Power of Email
Reggie Brady explains the nuts and bolts of getting results with email in another "crash course" seminar on Direct Marketing.

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Galen De Young
The Difference Between B2B and B2C SEO (Yes, It Matters)

Most adopters of search engine optimization have been B2C companies operating in an e-commerce environment. However, as business-to-business marketers recognize the potential of search, many are seeking ways to implement an effective B2B search engine optimization strategy.

To be successful, however, you need to understand the critical differences between B2C and B2B SEO.

Get the full story.

Jeff Thull
How to Establish Sales Credibility: It's Not the Story You Tell, It's the Questions You Ask

Establishing credibility is one of the most critical elements in securing a new customer. The customer must see you as a credible and trustworthy resource.

Here's how to establish credibility with a prospective customer.

Get the full story.

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Online Research How-To Guide

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Online Research How-To Guide Now

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Rick Sklarin and Ling Gee
The Four Pillars of Successful Product Launches

Today's leading companies don't rely on chance for market success. They take a scientific approach -- just as they do for product development -- to align company resources and activities for maximum launch impact.

As margins grow razor thin and competition comes from anywhere, scientific product launches can help your company not just survive, but thrive.

Get the full story.

Anna Talerico
Casting a Wide Net for Leads? Here's How to Get Great Results

Here's a popular way to generate online leads: Buy a keyword ad on a search engine site. In your ad, offer free content -- such as a white paper -- to respondents who complete a short form.

In theory, this type of campaign works well: The people who respond get something of value. You get leads. Everyone's happy.

Not so fast... .

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

Director of Premium Services
Val Frazee

Ad/Sponsor Information:
go here or contact

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