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Vol. 6 , No. 11     March 13, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Five Things Every CEO Should Want to Know About Customers
  2. Lessons from Warren Buffett: Getting the CEO to (Willingly) Write Checks for Marketing
  3. Starbucks at the Crossroads: Disruption Junction
  4. Basics of Strategic and Tactical Pricing
  5. The Science Side of Marketing and the Emergence of Marketing Operations
  6. Keeping the Brand Healthy: The Annual Brand Checkup
  7. Marketing Challenge: Dread Regular Meetings?


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Jeanne Bliss
Five Things Every CEO Should Want to Know About Customers

The perennial cry from CEOs around the globe is that they are focused on their customers: It is their highest-priority mission, the critical job of their company—and everything emanates from understanding what customers need and want and delivering on it.

However, without up-to-date trend information about profitable versus non-profitable customers and the issues that drive the best customers away, CEOs and their businesses are unable to manage customers as assets. Here's how marketers can help.

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Harvard Business School 1H

Innovative Strategies for
Today's Marketing Challenges

Harvard Business School Executive Education focuses on
generating and sustaining business results in the
Marketing Management Series. For more info, visit…

Paul A. Barsch
Lessons from Warren Buffett: Getting the CEO to (Willingly) Write Checks for Marketing

Warren Buffett is regarded by his peers as one of the brightest and most savvy minds in investment, business strategy, and CEO leadership. Buffett is known for the autonomy he gives to his managers, the ability to think "long term," and unparalleled skill in evaluating talent. He's also a CEO who spends a lot of money on marketing.

Here are three lessons you can borrow from Buffett.

Get the full story.

Paul Paetz
Starbucks at the Crossroads: Disruption Junction

Most marketers have heard by now of the kerfuffle about an internal memo, leaked through a popular Starbucks fan blogsite, penned by Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz. The blogosphere is abuzz with the come-to-Jesus nature of Schultz's revelation that Starbucks may have lost its mystique.

So what's next for the brand?

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How a Small-Business Consultant Leveraged a High-Profile TV Commercial to Generate New Traffic and Win New Business

A Note to Readers

Call For Speakers

Greetings, discerning readers.

I'm in the middle of planning the speaker lineup for a few MarketingProfs conferences to be held later this year, and I'm appealing to you, as a member of our always-responsive audience, for help rounding out the program.

While I already have a pretty strong sense of the agenda for the upcoming shows, which will have a B2B marketing focus, I'm still looking for some truly interesting, fun, and innovative ideas for the podium.

The conference is loosely built around the idea of "what's new" in finding and keeping customers in the B2B space. I’m particularly interested in speakers or panelists from interesting or unique B2B companies.

So if you have a topic or a suggestion to make, I'd love to hear it. Drop me a line at with "B2B Conference Idea" or similar in the subject line.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Brand Marketers, Meet Social Networks: Building Communities Without Jeopardizing Your Brand
  2. Lessons from Warren Buffett: Getting the CEO to (Willingly) Write Checks for Marketing
  3. Starbucks at the Crossroads: Disruption Junction
  4. Keeping the Brand Healthy: The Annual Brand Checkup
  5. The Science Side of Marketing and the Emergence of Marketing Operations
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Joy V. Joseph
Basics of Strategic and Tactical Pricing

As one of the 4 Ps of marketing, pricing is the most direct way of communicating value to customers. It has the most direct impact on bottom-line performance.

At the same time, price as a marketing instrument is tricky. Here's the basics of pricing from both a strategic and tactical angle.

Get the full story.

Laura Patterson
The Science Side of Marketing and the Emergence of Marketing Operations

Marketing operations enables an organization to run the marketing function as a fully accountable business. Marketing operations is about performance, financial management, strategic planning, marketing resource, and skills assessment and management.

If you are considering developing a marketing operations function, this article outlines some the five primary responsibilities.

Get the full story.

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Mark Shipley
Keeping the Brand Healthy: The Annual Brand Checkup

An annual review of your brand can take several forms. The full-blown brand audit, in many cases, is complete overkill.

Unless there are obvious signs that your brand is under performing, a quick checkup will likely suffice.

Get the full story.

Need a good primer on Branding? Get this template now.
Branding and Brand Equity How-to Guide

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Meryl K. Evans and Hank Stroll
Marketing Challenge: Dread Regular Meetings?

Most of us dread unproductive business meetings. Here's several ways to improve their efficiency and usefulness.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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