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Vol. 6 , No. 14     April 3, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Book Summary: 'Citizen Marketers' by Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba
  2. New Survey Results: Challenges Remain for ROI Measurements, but Discipline Pays off
  3. Two Approaches to Writing Web Pages
  4. 18 Things You Need to Know About Web Marketing (but Are Afraid to Believe)
  5. Lies, Damn Lies, and Dashboards (Part 3): Driving Without a Map—Putting the Lead Machine to Work in New Markets
  6. Dear CEO: In B2B, Marketing Is Not Advertising
  7. Creativity at Work: Why It's Important and What It Takes

Harvard Business School 3/30/07

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Mack Collier
Book Summary: 'Citizen Marketers' by Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba

Who is a Citizen Marketer? The fan who creates his own poster and trailer for an upcoming movie is a Citizen Marketer. But a Citizen Marketer can also be the customer who creates an online community around saving a discontinued product, or the loyal customer who uses their bad customer service experience to bring about change within an organization. Above all else, Citizen Marketers are motivated by a sense of loyalty.

The rise of social media tools has given Citizen Marketing its jumpstart into the business mainstream, and companies today must understand the what motivates their customers to make the transition to concerned citizen marketers, and who they are.

Get the full story.

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Jim Lenskold
New Survey Results: Challenges Remain for ROI Measurements, but Discipline Pays off

This week, the Lenskold Group and MarketingProfs released results of our new survey on marketing accountability, measurements, and ROI. The 2007 Marketing ROI and Measurements Study focuses on the difference between companies using profitability metrics and those using traditional marketing metrics with no financial metrics.

Among other findings, the research clearly shows that companies using profitability metrics for at least some of their marketing campaigns have an advantage in outgrowing competitors and earning the confidence of their CEOs and CFOs.

Get the full story.

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Nick Usborne
Two Approaches to Writing Web Pages

There are two distinct ways to approach the writing of a Web page... at least, according to this author.

Here they are.

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This Week's Case Study
How an Internet Company Attracted Top Talent—and PR—via a Viral Video

A Note to Readers

Our New Report on Marketing ROI

Companies that measure ROI improve performance and are better aligned with business objectives. So says the 2007 Marketing ROI and Measurements Trend study produced by the Lenskold Group and MarketingProfs.

Our study, summarized in today's newsletter, focused on how marketers who calculate ROI or other profitability metrics differ from those who use only basic financial metrics or traditional, non-financial marketing metrics (like response rates, awareness, or leads). The study shows that marketers who measure ROI and profitability metrics apply diverse measurement methodologies more often, rely less on intuition for decision-making, and apply more data-mining and value-driven segmentation.

Here are some tidbits:

  • 60 % of the companies that measure ROI expect to outgrow their competitors in the upcoming year, compared with only 48% that use no financial metrics.

  • 81% of marketers who use ROI also report that their CEOs and CFOs are confident that investments in marketing are profitable, versus only 57% for those who use no financial metrics to measure marketing.

  • Although more companies using ROI rate their ability to measure the financial contribution of marketing as "as good as it needs to be" or "a source of real leadership" (a combined 28% vs. only 16% in 2006), another 54% are making progress but report their capabilities are still "somewhat short of where it could be."

  • B2C companies are further ahead of their B2B counterparts in measuring ROI and other financial metrics (29% vs. 13%).

Success stories are encouraging more marketers to measure their marketing efforts, says Jim Lenskold, adding, "Clearly, combining measurement discipline, customer and sales analytics, and a solid ROI framework delivers the business growth and profitability performance companies are seeking."

The full report will be released later this month and will be available to all Premium and Premium Plus members at no additional charge. Watch for details.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. How to Make Customers a True Priority: Align With Your Company Power Core
  2. 18 Things You Need to Know About Web Marketing (but Are Afraid to Believe)
  3. Two Approaches to Writing Web Pages
  4. Dear CEO: In B2B, Marketing Is Not Advertising
  5. Creativity at Work: Why It's Important and What It Takes
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What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

Thursday, April 5th
Brand Metrics: Three Pathways to Measure ROI
Professor Don E. Schultz explains how to establish a measurement system that helps you assess the impact of your marketing communications.

Wednesday, April 11th
Social Media 1.0: Why "Citizen Marketers" Matter Now
Dana VanDen Heuvel delivers the first of two back-to-back seminars on leveraging the power of customer communities.

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Jerry Bader
18 Things You Need to Know About Web Marketing (but Are Afraid to Believe)

Maybe you own your own business, or perhaps you're a critical cog in the corporate machinery responsible for marketing your company, brand, product, or service.

If that describes you, here are 18 things you need to know about Web marketing but might be afraid to believe.

Get the full story.

Su Doyle
Lies, Damn Lies, and Dashboards (Part 3): Driving Without a Map—Putting the Lead Machine to Work in New Markets

Congratulations! The lead machine is up and running. Your marketing programs are bringing in new prospects and you're starting to have an impact on the revenue line. You have a bigger budget this quarter, and more target audiences to add to your list. The stakes just got higher. With untested audiences, programs, and media, you're adding new variables to the mix.

But there's no guarantee the increased spend will have a proportional increase in leads. How can you avoid being a victim of your own success?

Get the full story.

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Michelangelo Celli
Dear CEO: In B2B, Marketing Is Not Advertising

Many business owners or CEOs have not taken the time to educate themselves about what marketing is, and what it should be doing for them. Sometimes, even those who have lack a good grasp on a good and accurate definition of marketing.

Why does this happen? And what can we do about it?

Get the full story.

Brian Beatty
Creativity at Work: Why It's Important and What It Takes

Creative accounting is certainly an ill-advised proposition, but in most other areas of business, from manufacturing to marketing to management, creative thinking often represents your most valuable, viable opportunity to differentiate your company from the competition.

With indistinguishable offerings saturating many industries, creativity might even be your most important asset. That's why it's worth examining creativity and what the creative process requires.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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