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Vol. 6 , No. 24     June 12, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Five Critical Keys to Reaching the Boomer Consumer
  2. The Four Principles of 'Career Distinction'
  3. 10 Big Mistakes Marketers Make in Case Studies
  4. Four Opportunities to Harvest Informal Customer Success Stories
  5. How to Turn Your Customer Reference Program Into a Strategic Asset, Part 1
  6. How Companies Can Rise Above the 'Competitive Bakeoff'
  7. The New Postal Rate Hike: Anything but Simple


How to Unleash the Power of Lead Generation Webinars

View this Webinar
to hear three Webinar experts share their expertise: Bob Hanson, president of Quantum Leap Marketing, Michael Osterman, president of Osterman Research and Kineon Walker, product marketing manager at Citrix Online.

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Premium Content

Mary Furlong
Five Critical Keys to Reaching the Boomer Consumer

As more businesses become aware of the unprecedented number of people around the world who are approaching age 60, more of them are getting serious about reaching Boomers. Call it the new Silver and Gold Rush.

Smart businesses understand that the old media—print, radio, and television—won't be enough to reach this market. To communicate with Boomers, your business will need to evaluate and choose among a wide variety of online and offline marketing methods.

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William Arruda and Kirsten Dixson
The Four Principles of 'Career Distinction'

Professional success today requires that you change the way you think about your career—by treating career management as an ongoing activity.

Creating your personal brand helps you do so—with the ultimate goal of distinguishing yourself. But before you start working on building your brand, you need to adopt a new mindset—the "Career Distinction" mindset.

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Martin Middlewood
10 Big Mistakes Marketers Make in Case Studies

Customer case stories are a powerful way to communicate the value of a company, product, or service. Nobody speaks more loudly for you than your customers. But if that's the case, why do so many customer success stories and case studies fall short?

Here are 10 things that blunt case study effectiveness... and what you can do to avoid each.

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How an Established Dot-Com Used Interactive Email to Increase Its Click-Through Rate and Cut Unsubscribe Requests

A Note to Readers

Customers & Careers

This week's newsletter features a trio of articles that deal with various aspects of the same theme: customer feedback.

In essence, the three pieces—Four Ways to Harvest Customer Success Stories, 10 Big Mistakes Marketers Make in Case Studies, and How to Turn Your Customer Reference Program Into a Strategic Asset—tell you how to uncover a good story about how a customer is using your products or services, how to convey it, and how to leverage it for future growth. Taken together, they are a great read. Please check them out.

Also this week, William Arruda and Kirsten Dixson contribute another installment of their series on career-building. The book they coauthored, Career Distinction: Build Your Brand to Stand Out, hit the shelves last week.

After spying it in her local Barnes and Noble, Kirsten wrote on the Career Distinction blog last week: "After delivering services and e-products for ten years, it's neat to have a product in a bricks-and-mortar store."

Finally, tomorrow is the MarketingProfs free Virtual Seminar, Finding New B-to-B Customers Online. Be sure to sign up now, if you haven't already. Six speakers, six sessions, all revolving around how to use the Internet, email and Web 2.0, to find, attract, develop and retain high quality customers for your company. And, at the conclusion of each presentation, you can address any questions you have during a Q&A session with the speakers.

Don't miss out! Register here. I look forward to seeing you there!

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. Seven Actions to Regain Customer Trust When Things Go Wrong
  2. Six Strategies to Make Your Newsletters Work Harder
  3. Pond's Starts Over With 'The Starter Wife'
  4. Make the Business Case for Email: Three Ways to Talk Your Boss's Language
  5. An Insider's Guide to Creating Podcasts - Part 2
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MP Events


Peter E. Cohan
Four Opportunities to Harvest Informal Customer Success Stories

We often complain that we have too few success stories or lack examples in specific verticals, or in specific geographies, or find that the customers' quotes are bland and lack specific metrics of success. Even worse, all success stories age. Those that are a few years old may cease to be relevant—they were based on old releases of the software or situations that no longer match current customer needs.

How can we accelerate the collection and use of relevant and useful success stories? Here are four ways.

Get the full story.

Whitney Wood
How to Turn Your Customer Reference Program Into a Strategic Asset, Part 1

As today's markets consolidate and become increasingly competitive, and as buyers become more sophisticated and demanding, customer references gain even greater importance. But many customer reference programs are stuck in outmoded thinking, and that could be significantly holding your company back.

So how can your reference program evolve to meet today's challenges?

Get the full story.

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Tim Riesterer
How Companies Can Rise Above the 'Competitive Bakeoff'

Do your marketing and sales communications perpetuate the head-to-head competitive bakeoff? Or does it equip and enable your sales people to participate earlier and more effectively in the customer buying cycle?

There is an easy way to tell.

Get the full story.

Dave Lewis
The New Postal Rate Hike: Anything but Simple

New postal rates were implemented last month. But the rate hike is not just a normal increase across the board. Instead, there is a tangle of new regulations that will affect how mail is classified and how rates are applied.

Direct marketers: take note.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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