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Vol. 6 , No. 23     June 5, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Seven Actions to Regain Customer Trust When Things Go Wrong
  2. Pond's Starts Over With 'The Starter Wife'
  3. An Insider's Guide to Creating Podcasts—Part 2
  4. Make the Business Case for Email: Three Ways to Talk Your Boss's Language
  5. Six Strategies to Make Your Newsletters Work Harder
  6. The 'Freemium' Business Model: Not Quite a Slam-Dunk
  7. A Second Look at Second Life



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Jeanne Bliss
Seven Actions to Regain Customer Trust When Things Go Wrong

At some point, your business will suffer a failure that disappoints customers. The measure of a company is taken at such moments.

Customers see your true colors at these times more than at any other. How you explain, react, remove the pain, and take accountability for your actions, clearly signals your sentiment toward customers and reveals the collective "heart" of your organization.

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New Research: Keys to Conducting a Successful Webinar
The Osterman Research white paper Keys to Conducting a Successful Webinar breaks down how you can use do-it-yourself tools to deliver successful online presentations.

Click here to download now.

Marti Barletta
Pond's Starts Over With 'The Starter Wife'

Let's give it up for Unilever! This company has not made any false moves on the marketing-to-women front, and the "presenting" sponsorship for its Pond's brand is another smart strategy in a long line of savvy business decisions.

With its sponsorship of "The Starter Wife," Pond's gets its name linked to the show in all online and offline media, plus product placement in the show, integrated marketing, and promotions—and most importantly, a new brand image.

Get the full story.

Lisa Johnson & Cheri Hanson
An Insider's Guide to Creating Podcasts—Part 2

Podcasts are an excellent way to share your latest findings and juiciest developments in a medium that's engaging, fun, and portable.

If you're thinking about podcasting, here's the second installment of an insider's peek at the creation of a podcast series, complete with professional tips from a talented audio team.

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How a Nonprofit Developed Marketing Materials That Spoke to Its Culturally Diverse Audience, Bringing in New Members

A Note to Readers

MP's 'Sticky' Book Club Gears Up

This week, a reading reminder: Members of the MarketingProfs Book Club are one week away from chatting up our current featured book, Made To Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath.

It's not too late to join the fun. You can still sign-up to take part in this segment. You'll just need to get your hands on a copy of Made To Stick and have it read by next Tuesday. June 12th, when MP’s Chief Reading Officer Christina Kerley (CK) will post instructions on Group Review at MP’s Daily Fix blog.

If you haven’t checked out the Book Club yet, you should. Membership continues to grow – this time around, Book Club membership has increased by nearly 20%. Says CK: “It seems Book Club is an idea that’s, umm, sticking!”

She adds: “While Round 1 discussed social media and Round 2 focused on branding, Round 3 explores communications. More to the point, we’re learning how marketers can do a far better job of making sure our brainy ideas stick--and stick-it-out through the ages."

Made To Stick analyzes why some ideas survive while many others die. Adds CK, "But that’s not all: the authors have deconstructed why ideas that didn’t have revenue incentives, like urban legends and fables, have amplified across social groups and over many generations to develop a 6-point 'SUCCESs' system pinpointing how to get our messages to stick (and stay stuck)."

So get ready to discuss all this sticky stuff beginning next Tuesday, June 12th.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

p.s. Cam Beck distills how the Made to Stick principles of SUCCES can make your marketing ideas stick in the public imagination. Check out yesterday’s issue of Get to the Point, MP's small business newsletter.


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. An Insider's Guide to Creating Podcasts—Part 1
  2. Managing Your Marketing Career in a Web 2.0 World
  3. Brand Engagement: Teach Your Customers Well
  4. The Demystification of Idea Generation
  5. Lies, Damn Lies, and Dashboards, Part 4: Avoiding Lead Myopia
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MP Events


Loren McDonald
Make the Business Case for Email: Three Ways to Talk Your Boss's Language

Email is the most-used tool in the marketer's arsenal—but there's a pretty good chance your CEO just doesn't understand its contribution to the bottom line.

Unfortunately, that's because most marketers don't get it either. And, as long as we don't get it, we also won't get the boss's ear long enough to get the resources we need.

Get the full story.

Martin Reilly and Deb Rapacz
Six Strategies to Make Your Newsletters Work Harder

Brands that deliver general interest newsletters filled with tips, tools, and advice—but not unique, brand-differentiating content—should re-think their approach.

Progressive brands are making advances in their approach, tightening the focus of their relationship marketing, and now filling newsletters with more unique-to-the-brand content.

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Nilofer Merchant
The 'Freemium' Business Model: Not Quite a Slam-Dunk

Can you make money by giving away your product? Absolutely—and companies like Adobe (PDF Reader) and Macromedia (Shockwave Player) have proven it. With Web 2.0, consumers have gotten a lot of things at no cost due to various monetization practices—and that's good.

But should you give away your product? That's another question entirely.

Get the full story.

Joel Cere
A Second Look at Second Life

How long will the Second Life media frenzy last? And if not for PR, what is the value of investing time and money with avatars when marketing budgets are under renewed pressure to deliver real returns from real consumers?

Joel argues that there is more than meets the eye in Second Life. Indeed, there is genuine value to be extracted for brands that are willing to learn the dynamics of the "metaverse" and play by its rules.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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