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Vol. 6 , No. 28     July 10, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. What Song Is Blasting on Your Company iPod?
  2. Why 'Best Buddy' Emails Work So Well. Sometimes.
  3. Eight Easy Ways to Grow Your Blog
  4. Stop Digital Dirt From Undermining Your Employment
  5. Customer Reference Programs, Part 2: Changing the Corporate Culture Through Customer Focus
  6. How Agencies Reach Potential Clients
  7. The Law of Dissatisfaction: How to Motivate Prospects (or the 7%-38%-55% Rule)


New Research: How to Virtualize Sales & Marketing

The Wainhouse Research brief Virtualizing Sales & Marketing details a recent survey of companies that have transitioned their sales and marketing online. See how virtualizing sales & marketing can drive revenue and lower costs in your business.

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Premium Content

Jill Griffin
What Song Is Blasting on Your Company iPod?

Suppose you survey a company's employees and ask them to select just one tune that expressed their true feelings about their company's culture, their work experience, and their satisfaction as employees. What song would each of them choose? And what employee behaviors would likely parallel such a song choice?

Frivolous questions? Hardly. Some theme, in song form or not, already plays in each employee's head right now, directly affecting job performance and the ultimate experience delivered to customers. Here are three song possibilities, and some lessons they can teach us.

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Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


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Nick Usborne
Why 'Best Buddy' Emails Work So Well. Sometimes.

Recently, we have been seeing more and more emails that take the "instant best buddy" approach: You sign up for some information on a site, and 10 minutes later you receive a breathless email and hear how the author has just taken his kids to the beach, but simply had to rush home and share some terribly important news about an upcoming product launch.

It's tempting to dismiss these emails. But here's the thing: They work.

Get the full story.

Mack Collier
Eight Easy Ways to Grow Your Blog

The social media landscape over the last year or so has changed dramatically. Companies that were once skeptical about tools such as blogs are now blogging or considering starting one. Unfortunately, many companies that do so still have little idea of how to grow their blog into an integral part of their marketing efforts.

Here are eight easy steps that you can take to grow your blog's readership.

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How an Insurance Company Web Site Achieved Significant Increases in Click-Throughs and Conversions

A Note to Readers

What's Next

Greetings, discerning readers.

It’s been a busy few months here at our World Headquarters. Hosting virtual conferences, launching a new website design and brand identity—what could possibly be next from MarketingProfs to serve you better?

A real-world conference! And by “real,” I mean in every sense of the word - real people, real issues, real location and real-ly solid information, led by our new conference director, Susanne Sicilian. Here are the details:

What: Business-to-Business Marketing Conference 2007

Where: Renaissance Hotel, Chicago, IL

When: October 1-2, 2007

What You Should Do: Sign up to receive information and updates

When you sign up, you'll be among the first to get preferred registration, discount offers, and updates on what's happening. This conference promises to deliver not just information on what others have done, but workshops that allow you to learn the Why behind the strategies and how they can work for you.

Mark your calendars, and sign up now to receive updates and information about the October event. Registration begins August 1.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. How to Use Effective Keyword Choices as the Foundation for a Powerhouse Web Site
  2. A Web Site Without Video Is Like...
  3. MP Classic: Three Steps to Great Copy
  4. A Glimpse Into the Future of Advertising: Japan's Dentsu
  5. Web Site Creation and the Eye of the Spider
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Newly Posted Jobs

  1. CommonWealth Central Credit Union
  2. WRA, Inc.
  3. Institute for International Research
  4. Ratliff & Taylor
  5. National Federation of Independent Business
  6. Gap Inc.
  7. Big Thinkers United
  9. Heatcraft
See all jobs

What can YOU learn in 90 minutes?

Thursday, July 12th
Segmenting the Hispanic Market: What the Numbers Really Mean
Blaire Borthayre explains how to find and use the data that matters, and recognize the data that doesn't.

Thursday, July 19th
Arm Your Sales Team with Collateral Prospects Want
Jonathan Kranz takes you beyond the brochure and into the material that helps you close the deal.

Want BOTH seminars?
Become a Premium Plus member to have access to EVERYTHING.


William Arruda and Kirsten Dixson
Stop Digital Dirt From Undermining Your Employment

Over one-third of employers have eliminated a candidate because of "digital dirt"—information about you online that is either unflattering or inconsistent with the image you would like to portray.

Digital dirt could be preventing you from getting interviews and ultimately landing your ideal job. So if you have digital dirt, it's time to clean up your act. Here's the three-step process.

Get the full story.

Whitney Wood
Customer Reference Programs, Part 2: Changing the Corporate Culture Through Customer Focus

Part 1 of this series discussed the evolution of customer reference programs and gave guidance on how to create a program that's a strategic asset to your company.

Here, part 2 discusses the next steps of customer program evolution... and how to change corporate culture by focusing on customers.

Get the full story.

Find out how other marketers use the voice of the customer? Get access to the aggregate data of this survey now.
Benchmark Survey: Voice of the Customer

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Bill Colbourne
How Agencies Reach Potential Clients

Each year, we ask decision-makers at a group of 100 leading brands: "At pitch, what are the specific reasons for choosing one agency over another?"

In the latest results, "good chemistry" ranked as the leading factor. Here's a full list of the top 20 factors.

Get the full story.

Jerry Bader
The Law of Dissatisfaction: How to Motivate Prospects (or the 7%-38%-55% Rule)

UCLA Professor Albert Mehrabian is best known for his 7%-38%-55% Rule. It states that 55% of communication is attributable to non-verbal behaviors like body language and facial expressions; 38% of communication is attributable to voice, including volume, tone, pitch, cadence, and quality; and only 7% of communication is attributable to the words used.

Yet companies continue to pile on the Web text in the hope that search engines will index it and someone might actually read it... even though many Web site visitors merely scan for headlines, bulleted points, and captions.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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