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Vol. 6 , No. 35     August 28, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Six Tips for Building Better E-Commerce Customer Relationships: If You Build It, Will They Come?
  2. What's Next in Social Media: Q&A with Josh Hallett
  3. Naked Branding
  4. Six Reasons Why Every Brand Needs a Message (and a Messenger)
  5. Marketing to Women—We've Come a Long Way Baby... (Maybe)
  6. Making Market Research Useful... Not Just Interesting
  7. 10 Innovation Ideas When You Are on a Deadline


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W. Kimathi Marangu
Six Tips for Building Better E-Commerce Customer Relationships: If You Build It, Will They Come?

You may recall the baseball film in which a divine voice famously whispered to Kevin Costner, "If you build it, he will come." Looking at the robust projections for online shopping, it would be tempting to think that if you build it, they will come.

Yet marketers must resist that temptation and take a much more strategic approach to e-commerce—one that focuses more on customer experience. The truth is that from a functional and ease-of-use perspective, all e-commerce sites are not created equal.

Get the full story.

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Clickatell Mobile Marketing Handbook

Success Stories, Critical Industry Applications, Mobile Campaign Examples, and SMS Statistics

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Mack Collier
What's Next in Social Media: Q&A with Josh Hallett

Many companies have by now launched initial social media initiatives and are looking to move their efforts to the next step. This is where social media experts such as Josh Hallett come in.

Here, Hallett helps demystify this form of "new marketing," particularly for those companies who have dipped their toes in the social media waters and are wondering, "What now?"

Get the full story.

Martin Lindstrom
Naked Branding

Does sex sell? You bet it does.

But there's another essential element that goes hand-in-hand with sex. And that's controversy.

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How a Manufacturer's Sales Team Found the Secret to Efficiently Service a Low-Tech Customer Base

A Note to Readers

Three More Reasons to Come to Chicago

Greetings, discerning readers.

I know I keep yammering on about our event in Chicago on October 1 & 2, but I’m pretty excited about it. Here are three more compelling reasons to attend:

1. Chip Heath. Marketing expert Chip Heath will describe how to make your messages stick with your customers, to spur them to act. Chip, of course, is co-author of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. He’s prepped to demonstrate to our audience what “sticky” words and phrases you can apply to keep your products top-of-mind with prospects and customers well into the future.

2. Exclusive Forrester/MarketingProfs research results. Forrester’s B2B diva Laura Ramos is in the midst of conducting research with both Forrester’s audience and ours that will provide meaningful benchmarks about B2B marketing budgets and organizational structure. You’ll get an exclusive first peek of the results in October.

3. Free MarketingProfs Premium Plus Membership. You’ll get a free MarketingProfs Premium Plus membership with your paid registration – a $199 value. It’s a great opportunity to kick off learning in October and to continue it all year through via full access to all of our virtual seminars, reports, research, and articles (and more). If you're already a Premium or Premium Plus member, you get a whopper of a discount.

And by the way, I’ll be at the event, too. I look forward to meeting you (or seeing you again) there. Register or see the full agenda here.

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. How to Use Effective Keyword Choices as the Foundation for a Powerhouse Web Site
  2. A Web Site Without Video Is Like...
  3. MP Classic: Three Steps to Great Copy
  4. A Glimpse Into the Future of Advertising: Japan's Dentsu
  5. Web Site Creation and the Eye of the Spider
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  1. CommonWealth Central Credit Union
  2. WRA, Inc.
  3. Institute for International Research
  4. Ratliff & Taylor
  5. National Federation of Independent Business
  6. Gap Inc.
  7. Big Thinkers United
  9. Heatcraft
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Friday, September 14th
Budgeting for the Marketing Mix

Friday, October 12th
How to Advertise on a Modest Budget

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Jerry Bader
Six Reasons Why Every Brand Needs a Message (and a Messenger)

Jerry Bader doesn't drink. But if he did, he'd start with Reyka Vodka—not because it's better or worse than any other vodka, but because the company has an extraordinary marketing campaign and an equally clever integrated Web site with an enchanting (if somewhat bizarre) Icelandic spokeswoman.

The video commercials for the campaign drew 20,000 views in the first three weeks after being posted on YouTube, and they hold some interesting lessons for marketers.

Get the full story.

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Marti Barletta
Marketing to Women—We've Come a Long Way Baby... (Maybe)

Savvy companies like Dove, Ponds, and Nike know that women are empowered, and those companies have shown us how powerful the images and stories of real women are.

What's next on the Marketing to Women horizon?

Get the full story.

B2B Event October 2007

MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2007
Registration Now Open

Join us for two days of intensive learning, networking, and learn the secrets of B-to-B prospect acquisition and management from the industry’s leading experts.
Check out the complete conference program

October 1 & 2, 2007
Renaissance Chicago Hotel

Register Today

Reg Price, Neil Stewart and Katie Shaw
Making Market Research Useful... Not Just Interesting

A wise but anonymous marketer once said that a market research report that gets described as "interesting" has failed. It's only when it's "useful" that it gets the pass mark. After all, what's the point of interesting research if it can't be put to use?

The sad truth is that most market research is not very useful and more often than not ends up as a door stop for the marketing manager's office. Here's how to avoid that result.

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Find out how to do your own market research - no matter what your budget.
Check out the Small Biz Guide: Market Research today.

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Gwyneth Dwyer
10 Innovation Ideas When You Are on a Deadline

"You can't sit around and wait for inspiration," said Jack London. "You have to go after it with a club."

Pick up your club (your pencil, your laptop, your sketchbook) and let's go. Whatever your particular challenge, these 10 strategies can help you innovate—on a deadline.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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