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Vol. 6 , No. 38     September 18, 2007


In this Newsletter:

  1. Three Simple Ways to Add 'Personal Power' to Your Emails
  2. Make Every Word Count: Q&A With Jonathan Kranz
  3. MP Classic: Four Ways to Get More out of Your Annual Planning and Budgeting
  4. Which Metrics Measure Marketing's Impact on Business and Influence Strategic Direction?
  5. Repackage, Rebrand & Relaunch? Or Do We Need to Dig Deeper?
  6. Outsourcing and Delegating: Two Keys to Excelling in Your Career
  7. The Death of the PR Handler in a Viral Environment


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Nick Usborne
Three Simple Ways to Add 'Personal Power' to Your Emails

Almost without exception, the automated emails sent to confirm an action a customer has just taken are uniformly drab and impersonal. Which is a crying shame -- because when a customer first gives you his or her email address, you have a small window of opportunity: Customers are expecting a confirmation email from you. They are waiting for it. And when it arrives, almost 100% of people will open it.

In other words, this is your first and best chance to make a great impression.
Here are three things you can do to give some "personal power" to any email communication.

Get the full story.

Please note: This article is available to paid subscribers only. Get more information or sign up here.


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Enterprise email marketers can greatly enhance deliverability by getting added to ISPs’ white lists of trusted senders. Navigate the process with insight from Silverpop

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Mack Collier
Make Every Word Count: Q&A With Jonathan Kranz

What's the most common mistake companies make in crafting collateral? What are the keys to creating content that reflects a company's credibility? And how does a company stop talking about itself... and focus on its customers?

Here, the author of "Writing Copy for Dummies" shares his insider secrets and expertise.

Get the full story.

Meet Jonathan Kranz in person at What's New, What Works and What Sticks, MarketingProfs' upcoming conference in Chicago October 1-2.

Jim Lenskold
MP Classic: Four Ways to Get More out of Your Annual Planning and Budgeting

In this MarketingProfs Classic, Jim Lenskold reminds us that, since the dreaded annual planning and budgeting process isn't going away, it's time to make the effort to get more value out of the process.

Jim writes, "Here are four ways to use financial insight to create more profitable strategies and tactical plans while building greater credibility with your executive team."

Get the full story.

This Week's Case Study
How a Tiny Manufacturer Convinced Apple to Stock Its Product and Tripled Sales

A Note to Readers

Intuition v. Analytics

MP contributor Paul Barsch wrote a great blog post this week about the “perils” of intuition – at least in marketing.

He tells a story cited in the Wall Street Journal about a hotelier who keeps an eye out for guests sporting Hermes ties or carrying Prada bags, or similar “distinctive signatures,” with intent to shower them (and their fat wallets) with affection.

But Paul says that such “thin-slicing,” or segmenting and treating your customer’s differently based on seasoned observations and intuition, can be a dangerous strategy.

“Solely relying on ‘at a glance’ decision making, or decision making based on gut instinct, can be very costly to our business and careers,” Paul writes, concluding, “For [the hotelier] to make better decisions on which guests should receive special attention, both observational data (visual cues) and hard numerical data are necessary.”

Check out Paul’s post here, and drop a comment if you feel so inspired!

And by the way, you can hear Paul Barsch in person at the MarketingProfs B2B conference on October 1st and 2nd, where he’ll be speaking on both intuition and analytics, and how marketers can use both to become better marketing decisions. Hope to see you there!

Until next week,

Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer


Last Issue's Top 5

  1. How to Use Effective Keyword Choices as the Foundation for a Powerhouse Web Site
  2. A Web Site Without Video Is Like...
  3. MP Classic: Three Steps to Great Copy
  4. A Glimpse Into the Future of Advertising: Japan's Dentsu
  5. Web Site Creation and the Eye of the Spider
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  4. Ratliff & Taylor
  5. National Federation of Independent Business
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  9. Heatcraft
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Thursday, September 20th
All About Brand YOU: Building a Stand-Out Marketing Career
Brandmaster William Arruda is back to help you get noticed — for all the right reasons.

Friday, October 12th
Advertising on a Modest Budget
Our highest-rated presenter Michael Goodman delivers the sixth seminar in our Small Business Series.

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Laura Patterson
Which Metrics Measure Marketing's Impact on Business and Influence Strategic Direction?

Results from a recent survey found that only 17% of us indicated that our CEOs would give marketing an A. What's more, this study and others continue to suggest that a gap remains between a company's business goals and the metrics marketing uses to measure their impact on these goals.

The need and opportunity remains for marketing to improve the linkage between marketing expenditures and delivered results. But what should we measure? And which metrics are best?

Get the full story.

Ted Mininni
Repackage, Rebrand & Relaunch? Or Do We Need to Dig Deeper?

Leading consumer-products companies are looking to rebrand, repackage and relaunch... often too frequently. Sometimes, the effort is merely putting a bandage on a deeper sore.

It's far less painful to assess lagging sales in a superficial manner than it is to dig deeper into company practices, customer-service issues, and the actual product mix being offered—not to mention how customers are experiencing the brand and whether that brand is delivering on its promises. In fact, companies that really want to dig for the truth ought to seek answers to these questions... .

Get the full story.

B2B Event October 2007

MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2007
What's New, What Works, What Sticks

Join us for two days of intensive learning, networking, and learn the secrets of B2B prospect acquisition and management from the industry’s leading experts.
Check out the complete conference program

October 1 & 2, 2007
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Stephan Spencer
Outsourcing and Delegating: Two Keys to Excelling in Your Career

Marketers often lament, "If only I had more time...." Improving your productivity by using something like GTD (Getting Things Done) will take you part of the way there. But you also need to become "ruthless" at delegating.

The more effectively you delegate, the faster you will excel in your career.

Get the full story.

G.A. "Andy" Marken
The Death of the PR Handler in a Viral Environment

At a time when business and marketing strategy changes at the speed of light, and competitors, partners and customers have instant access to information, the days of the handler -- the publicist -- are numbered.

Get the full story.


Publisher:Allen Weiss

Content: Ann Handley

Strategy and Development:
Roy Young

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