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This Week's Marketing How-To

How to Create a Strategy Road Map for Marketing Operations

By Laura Patterson. There are three essential functions of a marketing operations plan. Get the full story >

Case Study

How a Technology Firm Upped Webinar Attendance, Improved Lead Nurturing

Company: Objectivity, Inc.
Location: Sunnyvale, Calif.
Industry: Software, B2B
Get the full story >
This Week's Top Articles

Six Sneaky SEO Techniques That Will Get Web Sites Banned
By Dharmesh Shah. There are many efficient SEO techniques to optimize your business's Web site, and then there are nefarious methods. Get the full story >

Racing Through Recession: Brand Lessons From the Daytona 500
By Ethan Whitehill. The same strategies that help NASCAR drivers win on the track can help your company survive the rough recessionary road ahead. Get the full story >

What Social Media Marketing Is Not
By B.L. Ochman. There's quite a bit of ambivalence, fear, and (sometimes) outright hostility directed toward social media. Get the full story >

The Six Cs of Permission Email Marketing, Part 2
By Karen Talavera. The second of this three-part series continues to define the permission fundamentals. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

Going Global on the Web: Avoid the Pitfalls and Seize the Opportunities
February 28


10 Ways to Improve BtoB Email Deliverability

BtoB email marketing is harder than you think. Corporate spam filters will toss your marketing messages onto the junk pile. Vtrenz, a Silverpop solution, provides valuable insight into successfully hitting the inbox.

Download the document today.

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

Five Reasons to Attend the B2B 2.0 EXPO

It's happening next Wednesday: The FREE MarketingProfs' B2B-2.0 EXPO is on track to broadcast March 5.

We now have more than 4,100 attendees. But if you aren't one of them, here's five things you can do there, which translates into five reasons you should grab your seat now.


1. Attend five cutting-edge sessions. From online strategist David Meerman Scott to blogging guru Geoff Livingston to Ogilvy digital strategist Rohit Bhargava to Mzinga new media expert Aaron Strout (view the full speaker lineup here), they’ve all agreed to share their best ideas with you.

2. Discuss the day's topics with attendees and presenters. Join in the Q&A sessions after each presentation, or enter online discussions at any time all day long.

3. Chat online with our sponsors.

4. Network with colleagues, and share virtual business cards. Also, when you enter the virtual B2B-2.0 EXPO grounds, you'll get a personal briefcase, so you can download handouts from the presentations, white papers, sponsor materials, whatever you choose – for FREE.

5. Wear your pajamas. You’ll gain all the information, insider tips, connections and so on that you'd find at a costly on-site conference -- right at your own desk. Wear a suit, or wear your slippers. We won't care.

Register now and tell your colleagues to join you. See you all online March 5!

Upcoming Events

B2B 2.0 EXPO - MarketingProfs Free Virtual Conference, 2008
March 5, 2008

Re-engineering Marketing for a Social Media World
March 13 with Geoff Livingston

Using e-Metrics to Optimize Your All-Around Marketing Strategy
March 20 with Jim Sterne

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