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 This Week's Marketing How-To
10 Tips for Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads
By Brian Carroll. Have you noticed? LinkedIn has developed into a useful lead-generation tool for those looking to build relationships with prospects. Get the full story >
 Editors' Premium Pick
Get Their Attention Wherever They Go
Mobile marketing is cheap, easy, and profitable. Our case-study collection, Mobile Marketing Success Stories shows you how to best use a tiny screen to achieve huge results. Read more >
This Week's Top Articles

10 Best and Worst Internet Company Names of the Decade
By Laurel Sutton. Internet company names of the last decade have been, by turns, wildly inventive, deeply troubled, breathtakingly silly, serviceable (if dull)—and, occasionally, brilliant. Get the full story >

Planning an Online B2B Community
By Nancy Strauss. A growing number of enterprises regard their B2B communities as a secret weapon that gives them a powerful competitive advantage. Get the full story >

What Every CMO Should Know About Music
By Ruth Simmons. If music is 50% of an ad's success, why are very few metrics regularly applied to measure the value of sound to a brand's marketing? Get the full story >

Look at Business Presentations as a Process, Not an Event
By Joseph Sommerville, PhD. If you look at creating an effective presentation as a process rather than as an event, you'll quickly realize that it isn't a Sisyphean task. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

What Matters Next: Doing Business in 2010, with Seth & Guy
January 7

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

The Top 5 Stories of 2009

Hello, discerning readers.

This is our last newsletter of 2009. It's been quite a year, hasn't it?


Social media marketing has increasingly gained steam, "community" and "green" were all the buzzword rage, and "Twitter" was crowned the most popular word of 2009.

Meanwhile, 2010 looms. I have lots to tell you about our plans for next year—which, by the way, marks the 10-year anniversary of MarketingProfs!—but all that can wait. Right now, I'll wish you the happiest of yearends, and toast to the promise of the new year, in business and otherwise.

To recap the year that was, here's a short list of our Top Five newsletter articles for 2009, according to your picks (well... clicks!):

The Dark Side of Twitter: What Businesses Need to Know by Michael Stelzner

13 Essential Social Media 'Listening' Tools by Clay McDaniel

10 High-Impact, Low-Budget Ideas for Marketing in a Down Economy by Jonathan Kranz

Seven Words That Will Make Your Web Site Worth Viewing by Jerry Bader

How to Develop a Successful Facebook Fan Page by Mark Ivey

See you next year!

Upcoming Events

MarketingProfs Business-to-Business Forum 2010
May 4-5, 2010

SocialTech 2010
March 25, 2010

The Naked Truth: Insights from Our Social Media Marketing Research
January 14 with Tim McAtee

Demolish the Roadblocks on Your Website: Clearing a Path for Customer Action, Sales and Loyalty
January 21 with Gerry McGovern

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