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This Week's Marketing How-To

Four Reasons Why You Should Be Obsessed With Your Blog's Traffic

By Mack Collier. Is traffic volume the best way to measure the performance of your blog? Get the full story >

What Works in Marketing!

How the Obama Presidential Campaign Leveraged Mobile Marketing to Generate Support, Increase Participation and Outreach

Company: Obama for America
Location: N/A
Industry: Politics—Government
Get the full story >
This Week's Top Articles

How to Fix a Leaky Web Site
By Bob DeStefano. Your company may already have more than enough site traffic to achieve your goals, but your site leaks. Get the full story >

Leverage the Voice of the Consumer
By Evan Gerber. There are a number of ways to measure the success of a word of mouth marketing campaign on the Web. Get the full story >

Benchmarking: A Best-Practice for Improving Marketing Performance (Part 2)
By Laura Patterson. Knowing what to improve (and by how much) is vital to establishing realistic performance targets and metrics. Get the full story >

Most Super Bowl Ads Aimed at Males; Most Money Spent by Females
By Gerry Myers. Here are a few thoughts advertisers should consider for the 2010 Super Bowl. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

How to Make Your B-to-B Website a Lead Generation Machine
February 26

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

What's Hot in Marketing

Greetings, discerning reader.

Welcome to this week's issue of MarketingProfs Today. Here's a round-up of what's hot at 'Profs this week:


Here's how Jackie Huba and Ben McConnell use the example of a goat-milk carton to underscore the importance of listening to your customers.

What do you suppose a dry cleaner would get out of being on Twitter? Turns out, plenty! Check this out.

Register now for making your B2B Web site a lead-generation machine.

We published this article by David Alston a month ago, and I'm still getting comments on it: Social Media ROI -- What's the Return on Ignoring?

And finally, the weekly update: As of yesterday, 10,057 of you registered to attend Digital Marketing World, featuring keynote David Plouffe. As my Midwest friends would ask, "Are you coming with?"

p.s. One more thing: Are you on Twitter? We are, too! Follow me, CEO Allen Weiss, or Seminar Den Mother Shelley Ryan.

Upcoming Events

Digital Marketing World Spring 2009 : Free Virtual Conference
April 1, 2009

What to Cut When the Budget Axe Falls
March 12 with Pat LaPointe

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