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This Week's Marketing How-To
Nine Email Tactics That Can Put You Out of Business
By Gwen Moran. As the technology and the legal issues around email evolve, so should your marketing programs. Get the full story >
Case Study: What Works!
Tips From Microsoft on Cultivating Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty on a Global Scale

Get the full story >
This Week's Top Articles

Man Bites Giraffe II: A Return Visit With Email Subject Lines From Real Companies
By Josh Nason. The Golden Rule hasn't changed: Tell what's inside, don't sell what's inside. Get the full story >

Retail Survival Tips in a New Economic and Customer Environment
By Adam Boyden. Here are some smart, manageable tips on how to survive through the second half of the 2009 buying season... and keep your business on track. Get the full story >

Avoid the Five Routes to Strategic Failure
By Nilofer Merchant. There are five major disconnects that consistently trip up strategy implementation. Get the full story >

Put Your Site Search to Work and Improve Your Targeted Marketing, Part 1
By Shaun Ryan. Some of the technologies that power your website can be critical tools for improving the effectiveness of your marketing. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

You 2.0: Measuring (and Improving) Your Personal Brand on the Web
June 12

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

MarketingProfs B2B Forum: In Full Swing

The MarketingProfs B2B Forum kicked off yesterday in Boston and continues in full swing today. There's an amazing group of 375 marketers, sponsors, speakers, bloggers, press and more here. The learning is top-shelf, yesterday's keynote was thought-provoking, the camaraderie is palpable, and the energy is ... well, energizing!


If you are here and you and I haven't met yet, please stop me and say hello. It's important to me to meet the people who read MarketingProfs.

If you aren't here and wish you were, you can follow the live updates about the event on Twitter here. Or check out photos from the event here.

Here are a few select Twitter postings, or tweets, from yesterday: (Thanks to my neighbor Mike Damphousse for compiling these.)

@GinnyBartosek: Sales doesn't view quality of leads the same way as Mktg. At least we're not alone. 90% of the people at #mpb2b raised their hands.

@agravel: Attending session about demand generation: quantity vs quality.

@nuvs: loves @stevenbjohnson's phrase "search cocktail"—aggregate of search data from multiple places (mainly Twitter) #mpb2b

@swoodruff: Interesting parallel, about soc nets being like the ~17-1800's coffeehouses, where ideas were exchanged among "amateurs" #mpb2b

@gibt: #mpb2b—hot dog carts out in the wild attract more visitors than clubs behind velvet ropes—do you want cool? require a login, else stay open

@ESLundquist: #mpb2b Sandy Carter at #IBM says #google is now rating blogs higher than web sites

Upcoming Events

MarketingProfs Business-to-Business Forum 2009
June 8-9, 2009

Digital Marketing World Fall 2009 : Free Virtual Conference
September 16, 2009

What to Do When Growth Stalls
June 19 with Steve McKee

Cracking the Code: Web Analytics for Paid Search Advertising
June 25 with Avinash Kaushik

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