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When you're guiding a new customer down the sales funnel, your primary focus is to secure that initial purchase. What successful businesses know, though, is that a customer's journey doesn't—or at least shouldn't—end with just one sale.

Your business's end goal should be to curate loyal, high-value customers who evangelize your brand and buy from you again and again.

So, how do you do that? By engaging customers in post-purchase conversations.

Here are seven effective post-purchase conversations you can have via email to foster customer loyalty.

1. Send an order confirmation, then a 'thank you' email

Because customers habitually check their emails to ensure their order was processed correctly, order confirmation emails have exceptionally high open rates. You can take advantage of that by using those emails as an opportunity to open the door for positive conversation. Make the email response-worthy by using interactive elements such as images, videos, and html email templates.

Along with order numbers, shipping details, and all of the other necessary transaction information, slip a friendly thank-you note into your first email. Express your brand's personality with a brand-focused design or witty, humorous message to help you stand out. Finish by asking customers to sign up to your mailing list or follow you on social media.

The first email should be rife with engagement opportunities, so don't be afraid to get creative.

2. Provide strong customer support

Your clients need to know you're there for them, even after purchase. Ensure you remain part of their journey by providing comprehensive onboarding to all new customers, as well as support for those who may have problems. This could also be a great opportunity to introduce them to other services or products that you specialize in.

Conversations are a two-way street. In your emails, provide clear contact details for customers who have any issues. If you have a dedicated call center for customer services, setting up skills-based routing ensures that customers are always serviced by the agent most equipped to handle their requests.

3. Send personalized product suggestions

You already know your customers' preferences based on their previous purchases and behavior. Why not use that information to make personalized product recommendations?

Product suggestions are an effective sales conversation tactic because they keep your brand fresh in your customers' minds while providing exciting opportunities tailored to their preferences.

4. Keep them updated

Building customer trust has never been more critical, and keeping customers in the know is a small step that you can take to foster positive, trusting relationships. It increases loyalty, too, reducing the possibility of your customers heading straight to your competitors.

If you're selling software, for example, let your customers know when there is a new updated version available. A friendly heads-up that you have improved the service or fixed some issues can go a long way in convincing them to continue using your product.

If you are continually updating the service you provide, make sure you communicate that to your clients. They need to know that you are working to improve their experience.

By sending them a notification email, you can re-engage them with your brand and remind them that you are a company that puts your clients' needs first.

5. Entice them back with a discount or another offer

Buyers are always happy to receive promotions—whether a welcome offer, limited-time discount, or customer-exclusive deal.

Because so many businesses send promotional emails, it can be challenging to stand out among the noise. Improve your marketing campaigns by perfecting your subject lines, segmenting your emails, and fine-tuning your content writing skills.

6. Request a review

High-volume calling has made conducting phone-call reviews impractical. Luckily, emails have proved to be a result-generating alternative.

Whether your customers are rating their experience on a 1-10 scale, completing a quick yes-or-no questionnaire, or writing an entire product testimonial, reviews from customers are invaluable to your business and to any potential customers.

Reviews influence the creation of exceptional customer experiences and have a significant impact on purchasing decisions.

In your review-request emails, also encourage customers to disclose any software issues or bugs. Although your observability software should keep you on top of any business-threatening problems, your customers can still prove invaluable in detecting tricky bugs and small-but-annoying glitches.

7. Ask for customer information

The more you know about your customers, the better. Don't be afraid to ask your customers to complete a quick quiz or questionnaire that can provide more insight into their behavior, and preferences.

A B2B tech company might ask...

  • How many employees does your organization have?
  • What is your business's top communications challenge?
  • What are your must-haves and nice-to-haves?

Be clear and transparent on why you're gathering such information, emphasizing privacy and confidentiality. Stress how the information will enable customers to set tailored preferences and receive more personalized offers.

* * *

Businesses with loyal, high-value customer bases don't acquire them accidentally. It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to nurture a one-time customer into an evangelist.

Email campaigns like the ones described in this article are perfect for businesses looking to create genuine customer relationships. Unlike other, perhaps more intrusive customer retention strategies, post-purchase sales conversations are customer-centric and focused on providing value with every new conversation.

More Resources on Post-Purchase and Customer Loyalty Emails

Seven Tips for Using Email to Build Customer Loyalty

Email Marketing Master Course: How to Use Email to Build Customer Relationships

How to Build a Targeted Email List of Subscribers Willing to Buy From You

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Seven Post-Purchase Email Conversations That Will Foster Customer Trust and Loyalty

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image of Jenna Bunnell

Jenna Bunnell is the senior manager for content marketing at Dialpad, an AI-incorporated Cloud-hosted unified communications system that provides call details to business owners and sales representatives.

LinkedIn: Jenna Bunnell