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  • If your marketing strategy sets your goal posts, your marketing plan defines how you're going to get there. It's a whole lot more than your individual tactics and execution details.

  • You might achieve limited success with an occasional tweet or email blast, but comprehensive campaigns (well-researched, focused, and detailed) yield greater success over time across multiple platforms.

  • Storytelling


    As marketers, our role as storytellers is vital. The stories we tell our clients, our market, and other audiences help them form beliefs about us and connect with our brand. Now's the time to make our stories mean something (and achieve something) more.

  • There's more magic to creating great lead nurturing than a series of well-timed emails. While that's a good start, you need to understand your target customers if you want to know what to say to them (and when) in order to win more of them over.

  • Primary research. Secondary research. Mounds (and mounds!) of existing internal data. Market research is big business and there's a reason why: it's vital if you want to shape your strategy and prioritize what's actually important to your business.

  • Presentations


    Terrible presentations. You've seen them. You've probably even created them. But "Death by PowerPoint" isn't going to win you any fans (or customers or accolades from your boss's boss). It's time to step away from the click-click-boring and deliver something compelling.

  • Social Media


    Want to create a social media program that works? From establishing goals to evaluating results, use these six vital steps to create and execute a winning plan.

  • Public relations plays an important role in getting a company's message out to the world. Learn how to grow your business by adding a PR to your marketing toolkit.

  • So you've created awareness, filled the top of your funnel, and captured some pretty attractive leads (if you do say so yourself). Now you just need to nurture those leads and keep the party going. Here's how.

  • Aligning sales and marketing can save money and, in the end, make money. These eight lessons will show you the steps.

  • Have you ever come to the end of an influencer marketing campaign only to wonder, how can I tell if it was a success? There's only one way to find out: choosing the right metrics and analyzing measurable results. Get ready. Get set. Get out your calculator. It's time to do the math!

  • Are you simply producing content and pitching calls to action to your target audiences? It’s time to start adding emotional experiences to the mix. These kinds of engagements can transform your company and create long-term connections between customers and your brand. Ready to get started?

  • Pricing


    Pricing is one of the 4Ps of the marketing mix, but it's easy to overlook its importance when you're up to your elbows in tactical execution. It's time to start taking pricing and discounting seriously because they impact both profitability and customer perception.

  • Don't just sell to your target customers. Much like building a lasting relationship with your best friend (forever!), long-term success comes through understanding them, finding common ground, and addressing their needs each step of the way.

  • Not all writers are marketers, but (like it or not) every marketer is a writer. That includes you! Sound scary? It doesn't have to be. You just need a road map to get you where you need to be and some good advice about avoiding pitfalls and speed bumps along the way.

  • Flattery might not get you everywhere (we've tried), but a balance of sweet talk and incentives can get you in on the action. Think of it as an audition: impress the right influencer and you'll be heading straight for prime time with them at your side. Which direction is the runway to success? We'll show you.

  • Appealing to influencers is part art, part science. And you need a stacked plan in place before you pitch them. Here's everything you need to do in order to work with those influencers you want to work with the most (and who will benefit you the most!).

  • Matchmaking is alive and well—and not just on reality TV. But finding the right influencers to engage and motivate your audience takes time, effort, and likely a few new steps you've yet to master. The good news is, once you've identified possible connections, you're on your way to fulfilling results. Get ready to swipe right.

  • Do you ever find that you're so busy planning, implementing, and tracking your marketing activities that you lose sight of what your actual strategy is? It's time to put your big-picture business objectives (and how to achieve them) into perspective. We'll show you how.

  • In today's hustle and bustle world, it's easy to forget that marketing is more than just creating content and crunching numbers (as important as those tasks may be). It's time to get reacquainted with the fundamentals and truly set yourself up to succeed.