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  • When you have access to the right data, and your team thinks smartly about how to leverage it in a holistic buyer’s journey, marketing can be much more powerful—and fun. It starts with truly getting to know the "who" behind your customers. Sponsored by Clearbit.

  • As a marketer, you don't have the luxury of choosing between creativity and speed in meeting demands for content and campaigns. And if you're feeling stressed, you're not alone. See the latest trends, and understand how a single source of truth can enable your team to operate much more efficiently. Sponsored by Airtable.

  • Personalization is more than just a trend; it's central to scalable and sustainable digital marketing success. But, if you're going to do it well—and at scale—you need a strategy, the right tools, and a way to measure how well it's working. Sponsored by Act-On Software.

  • Is your B2B e-commerce site getting the right amount of content in front of the right people? Too much content can backfire, but not enough is problematic as well. It's time to design an effective strategy for your content-powered commerce. Sponsored by Adobe Commerce.

  • Email is still the most coveted of all marketing channels. And there's no other place as great for telling your brand's story and converting prospects and customers. Are your email list and tactics working as hard for your brand as possible? Sponsored by Campaigner.

  • Wouldn't it be nice to have a bird's eye view into the accounts most likely to engage with your brand's online presence? In turn, this would enable your marketing team to target these accounts more effectively. It can be done, and it starts with Intent data. Sponsored by Bombora.

  • Demand Playbook


    Get the know-how, strategies and foundations you need to excel with your lead generation, collection and engagement. More than ideas, this playbook will walk you through exercises that will help you build the perfect demand generation strategy and execution for your business.

  • When we think of any product or service, particular associations come to mind. The question to ask yourself is whether the associations your customers are making about your product or service are the ones you want them to have. If you don't position your product, service, or company, your competition will do it for you—and you probably won't like what they have to say. This e-book is a guide to the art and science of creating a defensible market position.

  • The million-dollar question: Is a customer experience investment worth it? Find out why this is a flawed question in this e-book.

  • Wish you could manage your marketing efforts and outreach with more precision? If so, you need to be collecting and using Intent data, which allows you to better understand which products and services your buyers are interested in. Stop wasting time and money on prospects that aren't ready to buy, and boost your bottom line. Sponsored by Bombora.

  • You'd think that a company that's been hosting virtual, live marketing education for years could easily morph its flagship in-person B2B Forum into an online event. But you'd be wrong. What did we learn from our planning and execution?

  • All marketers have to be Swiss Army knives, but to be successful at demand gen you have to upgrade yourself to the Ultra-Military-Grade Leatherman of marketers. And when you devote so much time generating leads, the last thing you want to do is let them languish without a solid follow-up plan.

  • Are your marketing efforts resonating with the developers who can help you boost sales? Developers are a tough group to connect with, but you can start by making it easier for them to get the information they need about your products and services. Sponsored by Stack Overflow.

  • Lead generation is no longer about just filling the top of the funnel. It's imperative that we, as marketers, start building real and lasting relationships with clients, prospects, and customers from day one.

  • Are you feeling weighed down by your (and your clients') data? Advanced marketing analytics can help your digital consultancy gain more powerful insights, drive growth, and improve efficiency. Sponsored by Adverity.

  • What are the best ways to strengthen your business in this time of COVID-19? It starts with maintaining your connection with local customers and an effective use of marketing tools and tactics. Sponsored by BrandMuscle.

  • Are you ready to increase the effectiveness of your co-op marketing program? This guide contains everything you need to know. Sponsored by BrandMuscle.

  • It's hard to create marketing reports that are meaningful and effective. But it's also essential for justifying marketing activities, conveying ROI, and securing more budget. So what's the secret? Sponsored by Adverity.

  • Are you up to speed with when, where, and how your target audiences are clicking, reading, and responding? This report will help you benchmark your performance against your peers and turn subscriber insights into strategies and tactics that boost your success. Sponsored by Litmus.

  • We've all been there: You spend a lot of time and effort crafting the perfect email, only to learn that the email that looked beautiful in your email editor doesn't look great out in the real world. Are you ready to fix your email frustrations and fails? Sponsored by Litmus.