Are you finally embracing video marketing? Or has someone asked you to take part in a video because you're smart or influential or… just have a face that the camera loves? Awesome.

This is your big moment. Don't mess it up. You're freaking out, aren't you? Well, fret not. I'm here to help with eight tips for making sure you shoot video that doesn't suck!

1. Try to shoot during the day

Natural lighting is your friend, especially if you don't have a legit lighting setup, which most people don't. Natural lighting will complement your skin and won't typically make you look washed out or grainy.

Test different angles and different amounts of light from a window until you get a look you like. That being said...

2. Don't shoot backlit or with a window behind you

People want to see your beautiful face and that kind of light source will leave your face dark. The camera has a tough time figuring out what light source to focus on, and it will make the video pretty hard to watch.

Simply turn the camera around so you're facing the light source—and your lighting will likely be pretty good!

3. Be wary of shooting outside

There will invariably be a plane, train, car alarm, that person who just can't seem to decide whether they're staying inside or outside. Background noise is an editing nightmare, so save your editor or yourself the headache.

Along that same line, don't shoot in a public place or a crowd. You're bound to pick up lots of tangential conversation, and you might even pick up an awkward piece of collateral conversation. Nobody wants that.

4. Don't shoot in a car—even if you're busy

Shooting in a moving vehicle adds another whole layer of sounds to deal with, and there is no road that is actually smooth. So your video is bound to be bouncy, which is not fun for a viewer to watch. Speaking of which…

5. Know that your hands are not as steady as you think they are

There. I said it. Please put your phone or camera on something stable.

You can buy a tripod cheaply on Amazon. They make universal phone adapters for them. Your footage may not look bad to you, but once it is cut between two stable videos, it will look like you're filming on a roller coaster. And I like roller coasters, but they make some people throw up. Please don't make people throw up with your video.

6. Silence your devices while shooting

No one wants to try to edit out the fact that your phone is blowing up, and no one wants to hear your phone blowing up while watching your video. (Unless you're actually blowing it up.) It's best to turn off your devices because the audio of your phone vibrating will get picked up by the microphone.

7. Be aware of where the camera lens is

If you're looking at your face on the screen, you're not looking at the camera—and not looking at your audience. It just feels awkward to watch a video where someone looks like he or she is peering behind you. ("What do you see? What are you looking at?")

8. Consider the editing process before you decide you're finished shooting or send your video off to someone

Watch for any weird lighting changes as your phone tried to decide on a light source. Listen to it with headphones on—did you capture a lot of background noise, people talking, your phone buzzing?

If you answered yes, just reshoot. Make your life and the person editing the video's life, a lot easier by creating a quality video free of editing nightmares.

These tips will help you shoot video that's easier to edit, especially if your video is being put together with other video clips.

If you want to learn more about using compelling videos for engagement or using video for lead generation, you should sign up for MarketingProfs B2B Marketing Forum, Oct 20-23, before it is sold out! See you there—I'll be the one taking all the photos and videos.

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Eight Quick Tips to Help You Create High-Quality Videos

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image of Rob Zaleski

Rob Zaleski is a marketing manager for MarketingProfs.

LinkedIn: Rob Zaleski

Twitter: @robzie_