
Topic: Branding

Use Of Company Logos Within The Same "group"

Posted by xxanthoula on 125 Points
I work for an organization that represents and sells industrial automation products from renowned brands.

As the range of products expanded, new products have entered the company's portfolio, often from competitive brands.

To eliminate friction and conflicting interests, the Owners decided to divide competitive brands and thus, created a second company.

Now we have two Companies (different VAT numbers, company names, logos etc) that market more or less to the same audience and are ruled by the same Management.

On top of that the Management has a plan to unify these two Companies under a "Group" name but that will take another 2-3 years to happen according to plans (?).

The question is how do I manage Corporate Communication in this situation for the time being? The "Group" name is not official yet, however, I am asked to "slowly introduce it to our audience". Also, the visual representation of the "Group" (logo, typeface, colors etc) is a variation of the visuals of the first of the 2 companies that I mentioned in the beginning.
So I have to somehow manage effective communication via e-mail signatures, promo materials, websites or presentation templates and press (!) that communicates to our audience that no matter the visual variations (logos etc), we are still the same company on the core.

Is this possible in some way? What would you suggest?
I mean I need to print merch and I don't know which logos to use at this point - should I combine them?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Common to me seems to be what I call the "conglomerate method". Each company has its own web site/name/logo, but there will be a little tag line somewhere saying that it is a XXX company. Berkshire Hathaway does this with many of its companies - example at
  • Posted by xxanthoula on Author
    Thank you for your reply but still I am not sure how I could navigate this situation. Is there anything more specific you could suggest? Also tips on what I should absolutely avoid could be helpful at this point..

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