Secrets to Successful Data-Driven Marketing

As a B2B marketer, you know the importance of data when it comes to targeting and reaching prospects and customers. But the truth of the matter is that some find digging for data to be a chore—or even a bore. Sure, it's important, but where do you even begin?

In this PRO seminar, we'll explore how B2B marketers can maximize business value from data about customers and prospects. We'll look at new data sources, how to keep data clean and fresh, and its top five applications in B2B. We'll also review three case studies from companies that successfully applied data to fuel sustainable business growth.


Ruth P. Stevens

Ruth P. Stevens consults on customer acquisition and retention; teaches marketing at business schools; and contributes to AdAge, Biznology, and Target Marketing Magazine. Crain's BtoB named her one of the Most Influential People in Business Marketing.

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  • Date: February 11, 2016
  • Presenter: Ruth P. Stevens
  • Element: Management
  • Topic: Measurement & Analytics
  • Price: $0


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