How to Use Media Relations to Drive SEO

You have a blog, you create videos, and you're using social media to promote your content and build an audience. And yet … not much changes. You still don't rank highly in search results, your domain authority hasn't moved, and worse yet, your website visitors have barely increased. We're here to tell you there's still hope!

In this PRO seminar, you'll learn how to use content and traditional media relations to get on the first page of Google results for your priority keywords. We'll also share how to build brand awareness and increase your domain authority, as well as what to include in your content map to continuously generate new ideas.


Gini Dietrich
Gini Dietrich is founder and chief executive officer of Arment Dietrich, a Chicago-based integrated marketing communication firm. She is also the founder of Spin Sucks Pro, a professional development site for public relations and marketing professionals, and co-author of Marketing in the Round.
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  • Date: April 7, 2016
  • Presenter: Gini Dietrich
  • Element: Communications
  • Topic: Public Relations, SEO
  • Price: $0


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