Marketing to Today's Bionic Buyer

Today's buyers are bionic—they have immediate access to any type of information about any type of product or service at any time. As the world's marketplaces have shifted to digital, there are more opportunities than ever to sell. But the competition is also stiffer than ever; in any industry, there are always a few players who are consistently converting customers.

In this PRO seminar, we'll share how to effectively reach these consumers and the tools you need to make yourself invincible. You'll leave with an understanding of the current buyer environment and the know-how to set up your marketing so that no matter how your prospect finds you—or where they are in the sales funnel—you're in sync and ready to meet their needs.


Kristin Zhivago

Kristin Zhivago is president of digital marketing management company Zhivago Partners. She is the author of Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy and the Roadmap to Revenue blog. One of the first to map out the customer’s buying journey, she has spent decades as a revenue coach to CEOs and entrepreneurs.

LinkedIn: Kristin Zhivago

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  • Date: June 9, 2016
  • Presenter: Kristin Zhivago
  • Element: Plan
  • Topic: Demand Generation, SEO, Websites
  • Price: $0


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