How to Demystify Influencer Marketing With Content

Studies report marketers are challenged to create a variety of engaging content on a consistent basis. At the same time, the rise of ad blocking technology and buyer distrust of brand communications has created significant challenges. How can marketers scale quality content creation while increasing reach and engagement?

In this PRO seminar, you'll learn how influencer content programs tap industry voices that buyers trust, and align with brands to deliver on both thought leadership and customer acquisition goals. While there are many opinions and approaches to influencer marketing, we'll cover the three proven approaches B2B marketers can take to satisfy buyers across the sales experience. You'll leave with practical ways to develop an influencer community and learn to put those relationships to work encouraging compelling content.

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  • Date: November 3, 2016
  • Element: Create, Communications
  • Topic: Marketing Content, Social Media Marketing
  • Price: $0


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