How to Succeed at LinkedIn Content Marketing: Three Must-Have Strategies

B2B marketers recognize LinkedIn's vital role in generating leads. According to a recent LinkedIn study, 92% of B2B marketers leverage LinkedIn over all other social platforms, and 79% see the social network as a useful source for B2B leads. But it's not like shooting fish in a barrel. Your success on LinkedIn is contingent on your LinkedIn community, culture, and content. Now more than ever, a content strategy is non-negotiable.

In this Teach Me How seminar, you'll hear about three powerful content marketing strategies using specific LinkedIn tools. You'll discover how to capture your leads' interest with LinkedIn's publishing platform, native video, and long-form updates. You'll also learn how to use these strategies to increase your brand's visibility to keep you top of mind among your audience and cement your positioning as a leader in your industry.


Viveka von  Rosen

Viveka von Rosen is a cofounder and chief visibility officer at Vengreso, the world's largest full-spectrum digital social-selling provider. She's a contributing expert to LinkedIn's official sales and marketing blogs and their Sophisticated Marketer's Guide series, and has written for Fast Company, Forbes, Money, and Entrepreneur. Viveka's 10+ years of LinkedIn experience has helped her create engaging and actionable training that gives marketers the tools and strategies they need to succeed on LinkedIn.

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  • Date: December 14, 2017
  • Length: 60 minutes
  • Presenter: Viveka von Rosen
  • Element: Communications
  • Topic: Marketing Content, Social Media Marketing
  • Price: $0


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