Using Social Media's Perpetual Motion for Branding

Social media has fully infiltrated the business world. For marketers, this means the work never stops—there is no lull between campaigns, to evaluate and plan the next. Instead, every element of branding—planning, creating, communicating, and analyzing, in addition to reputation building and managing customer response—happens concurrently and continuously.

How are marketers supposed to respond to the constant pendulum swing of social media? Real-time alerts are critical in understanding the conversation that's relevant to your brand, and they let you harness the power of social media amidst a continually shifting landscape.


Nicholas Holder

Nicholas Holder partners with Fortune 1000 companies on how they can use early-detection content to enhance PR strategies. Before joining Dataminr, Nicholas worked in PR for a fashion and creative talent agency, political organizing, and fundraising.


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  • Date: November 1, 2018
  • Length: 30 minutes
  • Presenter: Nicholas Holder
  • Sponsor: Dataminr
  • Element: Plan, Analyze
  • Topic: Social Media Marketing
  • Price: $0


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