How to Build (and Level Up) Influencer Campaigns

Join thought leader and practitioner Jason Falls for this eye-opening webinar that will take you through the nuts and bolts of building strong influencer marketing campaigns—and how to level-up with influencers for your business.

You'll learn:

  • The six elements of influencer campaigns and how to build for them
  • To establish goals for your influencer campaigns and measure appropriately
  • Tips to reach out and convince influencers to work with you (sometimes without a cash exchange!)
  • What bleeding-edge brands are doing to take influence marketing to new levels of success


Jason Falls

Jason Falls is one of the most widely read and respected voices in the digital marketing and social media industries. His digital strategies have touched a number of the world's most iconic brands including GE Appliances, AT&T, Valvoline, Buffalo Trace, Humana, Rawlings, Maker's Mark, Tempur-Pedic, Fireball Whisky, GM, and more. Jason leads digital and social strategy for Cornett, a full-service ad agency in Lexington, KY. His forthcoming third book on influence and influencer marketing is due from Entrepreneur Press in late 2020/early 2021. He loves the kick-ass state of Kentucky, sports, and bourbon.

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  • Date: August 15, 2019
  • Length: 60 minutes
  • Presenter: Jason Falls
  • Element: Plan, Communications
  • Topic: Demand Generation, Social Media Marketing
  • Price: $0


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