A Demo of ClearSlide's Content Engagement Platform

Marketers shed blood sweat and tears creating content—all those presentations, whitepapers, proposals, sales tools… the list goes on. But, are the sellers using it? Is it resonating with the buyer?

Join us for a BS-free demonstration of ClearSlide's software, and you'll understand how to easily answer these questions and more. We'll show you how this software can help you tackle your toughest marketing hurdles.

Find out how you can:

  • Maintain a consistent message across sales, marketing, and website content
  • Know what is (and isn't) resonating with prospects and buyers
  • Enable your sales team to personalize content and keep it up-to-date
  • Have a productive, fact-based conversation with sales on "what's working" and "what's not"


Tara Garnett

Tara Garnett is a senior ClearSlide product expert who works closely with clients to understand their business and goals. She helps drive product development to ensure ClearSlide is always innovating and delivering against clients' ongoing and future needs.


Sponsored by ClearSlide
ClearSlide's Sales Enablement Platform makes it easy for sales and marketing to find the best content, effectively communicate it, and get insights into how customers engage. ClearSlide customers achieve higher seller productivity, more sales management effectiveness, and stronger content ROI.
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  • Date: August 1, 2019
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Tara Garnett
  • Sponsor: ClearSlide
  • Element: Management
  • Topic: Marketing Content, Marketing Management, Martech
  • Price: $0


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